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main area of Nadeshiko village=

After what seemed like the quickest night, he ever had he found himself waiting at the side of the platform as the monk began yet again. Course this time when they were both called up to the stand, they were uninterrupted. So, they both stood in front of the monk trying to hide their nervousness as they looked at each other.

"Now Naruto. Do you promise to love Shizuka in good times, in bad times, and in times of need?" the monk asked looking over at Naruto.

"I-I do" Naruto stated but fumbled over his words slightly.

"Shizuka; Do you promise to love Naruto in good times, in bad times, and in times of need?" the monk asked her.

"I do." Shizuka stated with a blush ever present on her face.

"Then with the power granted to me I now pronounce you man and wife…you may kiss your bride." The monk stated with a smile holding out his hands to either side. And with that said Naruto moved closer to Shizuka until they were only a few inches apart. He then gulped back his nervousness and gently held onto her as he initiated a light kiss. Course this kiss only lasted a few seconds but left both of them with bright red faces. With the embarrassment only growing stronger as they heard the spectators around them.

Course at this time the monk then brought everyone's attention back to him after the excitement died down a decent bit. "And with this wedding let the alliance between Konoha and the Nadeshiko village be bonded as well. May this alliance lead to great things for both villages as the will of fire fills each of them with strength." The monk said happily with everyone clapping at this information.

AN: I will be honest I am not super happy witht this wedding but for the sake of getting content out I am not going to burn myself out trying to make it better right now. I most likely will try to fix it up in the future…but like I said many times before. Its just not worth going after for something that has very little to the actual story line.

"Well it looks like everything went smoothly even with that bastards interference." Tsunade said with a smirk looking at the blushing couple.

"Indeed. And I can't wait until the time I get to hold my grandchild in my hands." Tsuyoi agreed with a nod making everyone around her sweat drop.

"You really have a one-track mind don't you." Tsunade mutters only for the other kage to nod her head yet again.

"Of course. When it comes to something as important as continuing my family I am as focused as you can be. After all who knows what is to come." Tsuyoi added picturing a war in her head. "But enough with that thought for the moment. Let us enjoy this day." She told them then stood up.

"Now everyone please give us an hour to set up and we will have a celebratory feast." Tsuyoi told the crowd as those that weren't part of the crew kindly dispersed from the area while the predetermined group quickly moved things around and set up for the large meal. Course while they were doing this many people went up to Naruto and Shizuka. With many of the residents focusing on Shizuka but a few did give Naruto a brief congratulations as well….not that Naruto expected any less from the Nadeshiko village seeing as they didn't have anytime at all to try get to now what kind of man Shizuka was stuck with.

Course Naruto didn't pay any attention to this as he soon found his other girlfriends around him.

"So how does it feel to finally be hitched?" Ino asks with a smirk on her face."

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