CH-18 Battle with a snake 🐍

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"It is nearly time." Tsunade thought sadly then left her hotel room without looking back at Shizune. She then walked straight towards the field that was determined to be their meeting point while the thoughts of what she saw and heard over the last few days muddled in her mind. "Am I really making the right choice?" she questioned now not sure which choice was best. After all, on one hand she would have her old loved one's back but on the other hand she would finally make up for a choice that always weighed down on her. Though soon she remembered last night's event and strengthened her resolve as she stuck with her final choice.

*Last Night (flashback)*

Tsunade was checking all her equipment quietly in her room when Shizune came into the room and seemed to get annoyed just because of what she saw.

"Is it really that hard to pick between your own village and a murder that killed your sensei and countless others?" Shizune asked.

'That must be it she saw that I am still not completely sure which choice that I should go for.' Tsunade though before sighing. "Shizune it is not that simple. You just don't understand what I am going through at the moment."

"Your right that I don't understand what it is like to lose my lover but I know what it feels like to lose a family member. Though look at me I was sad but got over it and didn't wallow in depression." Shizune told her deciding that now was the time to tell her teacher her true thoughts before she made a mistake.

(Also in this I decided Shizune is realted to Dan…don't really know what her true story is but it doesn't matter)

"You brat, it might just be that simple for you but you haven't experienced nearly as much as me. Don't think that just because you have traveled with me for a while that you know everything about my life!" Tsunade growled out.

"I may not know what happened during your time before me but I do know that the woman I saw while I was around at first seemed strong and proud but really was just a woman who lived through a long life and was broken by her misery." Shizune told Tsunade even though she hated every moment. Still she stood strong even as Tsunade's rage grew.

"You! You dare try to talk down to me! I am the one that helped form what you are and you dare try to say that I am nothing but a depressed rotting old hag!" Tsunade growled at her student turning her anger at the woman for the first time since they began their traveling.

"Yes, you did make me the kunoichi I am today; and thanks to that I am strong enough to escape my misery by thinking about what my uncle would have wanted me to do. Now if only you were as strong as you once were to realize the same." Shizune told her sensei before leaving the room yet again and walk to a restaurant to get a warm tea.

*sigh* "I can't believe I finally told her my thoughts. Now I just hope she can forgive me for hurting her already damage mind and maybe forgive me one of these days." Shizune mumbled to herself knowing that what she told Tsunade easily was a cause of destroying her relationship with the only friend she had around for years. Still she ended up returning to said woman's room to sleep on the other bed seeing as it was far too late to try and get a different room.

*Flashback end*

"Just you wait Shizune I will show you." Tsunade whispered barely loud enough to be heard over the gentle breeze the day brought and kept walking towards the meeting point now completely determined.

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