CH-21 Love and Betrayal

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Haku yet again woke up feeling more comfortable than she has been in a while and sighed happily. "Maybe I should make this a regular thing; I mean I doubt I can sleep by myself now that I figured out how comfortable this is. I mean technically I should have realized when Hinata helped me comfort him a bit back but I was too worried about him to realize this." Haku thought with a smile until she remembered how upset he got. Still she put that behind herself and used all her will power to make her leave her comfortable position in order to make sure that she was the one who did the cooking today…and actually have him present to eat it with her.

About a half hour later Naruto finally woke up and realized that Haku left and was momentarily confused until he smelt what had to be a delicious meal and quickly got dressed to see what obviously Haku had prepared. When he finally reached the table, he was quite happy to see that he was right and she was just finishing filling pates for both of them. Course he also couldn't help but notice the fact that her clothing seemed to cling just a bit more to her than usual and also the fact that she had clearly wet hair showing she must have taken a shower before he woke up as well.

"Good morning Haku-hime and thank you for the meal." Naruto said happily before sitting down and enjoying the first few bites much to Haku's pleasure. "You know I don't know how I ever lived without you. I mean whatever I make is terrible but whatever you make turns into something nearly as good as ramen." Naruto admitted to the girl then went right back to eating not noticing that she was clearly overjoyed to hear that her master appreciated her work.

"Thank you Naruto-sama. I aim to please you as much as possible he told him happily then began to eat as well.

"Hmm, I wonder what I should do today?" Haku thinks trying to figure out then looked over to Naruto. "You know I still don't know what Naruto's life was like before he met me….maybe I should try and get some information on that as well…especially seeing as he seems to hide things at times." Haku thought to herself seeing as she noticed that every now and then Naruto seemed to hold himself back from doing something; which was especially bad when there was something upsetting involved. So, with that in mind she calmly finished her meal and left to go to the best information center on Naruto she knew of currently.

~Hyuga clan compound~

Haku calmly walked up to the main gate where she was stopped by two clan members.

"State your business here." One of them ordered her in the neutral voice the Hyuga's are known for while slightly tensing up just in case they needed to fight.

"I am here to see Hinata-san." Haku told the duo not surprised in the slightest that they were acting this way even as they both looked at each other and seemed to have a silent conversation with each other.

"Wait here I will go speak with Hinata-sama." One of them told her then quickly left to find her while Haku waited patiently. But soon enough she heard the other guard return and quickly let her in and showed her where Hinata was and found the girl sitting in a training room with a bit of food and her sister nearby in a similar matter.

"Hello Hinata I am sorry if I caught you two in the middle of training." Haku apologized quickly

"No, it is fine Haku we just finished our morning training and were just getting a small breakfast in. Now why did you come to see me today?" Hinata asked her now partial friend. For after she didn't need to worry about Haku taking Naruto away from her she began to actually talk to the girl on kinder terms and actually was beginning to form a good friendship with her…they just weren't completely there yet

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