CH-34 Datomi's last Revenge

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After Datomi died the Shibuki, Fu, and Naruto all tried their best to clean up the damage that was made rather close to the village. They also made sure to collect the container with the remaining amount of water which Naruto made sure to keep as far away from his body as possible.

"Why would people ever use this stuff if it basically makes you have a countdown." Naruto asked looking at the container in disgust.

"Well to protect the things you care about it would be worth giving up anything." Shibuki told him quickly grabbing the container from Naruto. Now I am going to put this away later so that no one knows where it is besides the few people who are supposed to.and making sure the civilians aren't dumb enough to mention it to a ninja from another village." Shibuki told them then added to the last remembering the fact they were the reason Datomi started this mess to begin with. Still after this they quickly figured out how to deal with the rest of the problems they had around the area before heading further into the village to see how people were doing in fixing the damage that was done within the village.

~Damage Part of Village~

When the group finally reached the area most of the damage was already under control. Sadly though the buildings that were hit now were completely destroyed. For what wasn't damaged by the initial blast of the seals was burnt away by the fire that started. Thus making the damage to the village turnout to be several homes and four of the shops they had. Though the explosions also killed most of the people that lived in the building who were all civilians; which is what lead to the devastated feeling the village had.

"Why? Why would someone feel the need to attack us? We never harmed anyone and aren't even ninja!" one random civilian asked seemingly the sky. Course at this point Shibuki built up his courage and began to do what he knew was needed. So he quickly jumped onto top of a nearby village and got the attention of all citizens around him with a flare he had in his weapon pouch.

"My people what we have experience today can be called nothing but a disaster. The man that caused this has already been figured out and punished properly. Now we cannot wallow in depression for those that we have lost. Instead we need to keep moving ahead and make sure events like this can never happen again. Now rest assured that those that we have lost today will not be forgotten but instead we will make sure they have a proper burial so both they and their families may be brought to peace. Now all civilians please help try to go back to your normal days but please be respectful of the people and areas affected. As for our ninja split up and half of you guard the village as normal while the others work to clean up the damage we have received and begin to collect the bodies of the dead for their identification and burial. Finally council members we will be having a meeting in thirty minutes to talk about our plans. Attendance for all members is mandatory." Shibuki told the people who all nodded and either walked away or began to plan how to follow the orders they were given.

While they did so Shibuki looked down at them sadly hoping that he could help them feel safe again. He wasn't able to watch them for too long though before the rest of the group came up to him with Jiraiya appearing soon after.

"Shibuki-nii what are we going to do to fix this? That bastard managed to make everyone terrified." Fu asked noticing how afraid all the civilians are.

"I don't know Fu. I suppose we will just have to tighten our security more and hope that eventually people are able to both forget the things that have occurred and be able to trust visitorsbut don't worry about that, it's up to me and the council to work on this. You just recover after the fight we had seeing as I am sure you are tired." Shibuki told her knowing very well that she was anything but tired but simply didn't want her to wallow in her thoughts of what has happened.

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