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_Training ground; Naruto, Kakashi, Yamato_

At the training ground Naruto and his clones were still hard at work trying to cut the waterfall in half and surprisingly were making some progress. Though this was more than likely due to him spending a decent amount of time working with the element through his previous training. Currently both the original Naruto and all of his clones were all working with their shirt and pants off due to the fact that the wet shirt quickly was getting annoying. In fact, the only reason they still had boxers on was simply because Kakashi threatened that they would leave him to have to figure it out with no help if he took them off.

"Do you think he will manage to do it today?" Yamato asks Kakashi after glancing up at his progress from his book. A book he was now thankful to have brought due to not being able to focus on meditating anymore.
"Hmm, probably not but knowing Naruto he probably won't stop until he does" Kakashi told him not even bothering to look up from his book. "Oh yea…Naruto remember to change out your clones ever now and then. Then your next set will retain the progress of the previous!" Kakashi called out to Naruto who did just that.

Seeing this Yamato didn't say anything else but instead watched Naruto for a bit noticing that he created an extra clone for some reason that ran out of the training grounds before he went back to work. "Hmm I wonder what that was about." Yamato thought slightly curious but didn't ask the blonde.

If he was to have asked he would have gotten the simple answer of the fact that Naruto is still caring for others even while he was focused on training. For, the clone was sent out to let each one of his girlfriends know where he would be for a decent while in case they needed him for some reason and to also let Haku know so she wouldn't make food for him and have it go to waste. A tip that he needed to give the girl seeing as just like Kakashi thought he had no plans of leaving the training ground until he got it down. Or at least until he was needed for something by either the girls or by Tsunade.

After that clone was sent out Naruto continued to work on his project with the clones throughout the rest of the day while replacing his clones every hour or two to get the progress they made as well. Still soon enough the sun was going down and he still wasn't there yet. On the bright side though was that he would occasionally partially stop the water making him feel that he was truly close.

~Hokage Tower~

Team 11 were currently in Tsunade's office after literally rushing to get their gear ready as fast as they could. They still had no idea why they were being called but knew whatever it was clearly was very important. A fact that was made even clearer when they saw just how serious she was.

"Asuma I have called your team to look into a distress message we received…from the fire temple." Tsunade told the man who looked at her shocked.

"Someone attacked the temple?" He asked in utter shock.

"Yes, it seems a duo of strong ninja attacked the temple and the message only warns of them making me dread that the worst outcome has become of them. So, you are to go see if you are capable of helping the temple or to take care of it if my fears are correct. Also, if you meet these ninja you are allowed to attack to kill but be warned that they are at least A-S rank ninja according to the message. They are both wearing black cloaks with red clouds on them and one of the men has a large scythe as his main weapon though it is unknown where they have went. Procced with caution." Tsunade told them.

"Hai Hokage-sama!" They all mutter before quickly leaving her office and speed off to the village's gate hoping there would be something to help when they reach the fire temple.

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