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~Kage meeting room~

After the attacks when everyone was celebrating the allied forces became well aware of the fact that the war was still going on. So, with this in mind everyone got back to their respective jobs and this included the kages. At this moment all of them were discussing in their regular room.

"Has the results from our scouts come back yet?" Tsunade asks looking through some papers.

"It seems like they just have. But I can't believe those idiots still want to fight." A grumbled but chucked a scroll over to Tsunade.

"For once we agree. But at least with Orochimaru gone at least their S rank fighter is gone. We might even be lucky enough to all the reanimated ninja disappear as well." Mei says. For after they got informed of the Konoha hidden jutsu they all knew that if the caster died then the jutsu's affect would fade as well.

"We can only hope…but after all of this ends all traces of the reanimation jutsu should be scrubbed from the records." Gaara states.

"Indeed the brat has a good idea. Last we need is some other upstart finding it again and summoning old kages again." Onoki says while nodding. For the group could only fight to a stalemate with the kages Orochimaru summoned last time. So, they could only dread what would happen if they had to fight several at the same time no matter how weakened they may be.

"Tch, I'll be honest after we finish this, I am going to try my hardest to get rid of anything related to the bastard." Tsunade states. She then rolled up the report and looked at the group around them.

"So, it seems that the Sound village has been rather chaotic for a while with random groups trying to attack random places without any real form of battle formation. My guess is whoever managed to keep control of the village is stuck trying to figure out what to do. Meanwhile the goons that they keep are trying to make some quick money from looting what they can. Though they must have some sort of hidden ace left seeing as the common goon would care more for their own life than the village." Tsunade explains.

"Or they somehow don't know we took care of that snake bastard…wish we could have collected his body. I'd love to greet them with his head on a pike in front of their base." Onoki states darkly.

"Not the most pleasant of ideas but it would prove to have some promise." Gaara states. "While we can't show them proof, we can at least put doubt in their minds by telling a few of them that 'manage to escape from us'"

"Hmm, it does sound like a fine idea" Mifune states rubbing his facial hair. And with that input they all quickly agree and add it into their plans to recovering the bases that were lost.

~Base near sound village~

"Kekeke I still can't believe those guys didn't even bother to keep guard of this base. It was WAY too easy to get rid of those idiots…well except for the ones we kept." A random sound village grunt stated happily while he walked around the base walls. He then looked down where other grunts were happily throwing knives at a tied up allied force ninja.

A ninja that already had several knives stuck in his flesh but he bit back his reactions to be as small as he could to not give the tiny bit of satisfaction, they wanted that he could control at the moment. Meanwhile all around him were people talking and drinking as they watched his pain.

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