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_Last Time_

"Asuma-sesnei!" Ino cried out watching as the man fell to his knees with the life fading from his eyes quickly


Ino quickly ran over to Asuma and grabbed him before he fell face first on the ground. "S-Sensei" she mumbled out tearing up as she quickly tried to heal the wound refusing to believe that it was pointless. For before he could even say a final word to the girl he bled out and finally passed away.

"Damn it!" Shikamaru growls out glaring at the two men in from of them. Meanwhile Hidan started laughing manically at the faces the team was making with a large grin on his face.

"And the first sacrifice is made." He tells them with a wide smile pulling his scythe out of his body.

"Good you managed to keep the valuable one in good condition. Now hurry up and get rid of them." Kakuzu orders Hidan.

"Shut the hell up. I need to make sure they are properly sacrificed to Jashin-sama." Hidan tells his partner before beginning to walk over to towards Ino until he was stopped about half way to her by a shadow.

"Damn them. I want to get revenge for sensei so badly but we are all low on chakra right now. Not to mention they are S class ninja…we need to retreat…for now." Shikamaru thought as he quickly sent out his shadow to stop Hidan. "We need to retreat!" Shikamaru orders his shell shocked teammates who quickly snap out of it and try and follow his orders. So, Choji quickly began made his arm bigger and smacked Hidan back trusting Shikamaru to release the shadow control. Meanwhile Ino tried to wrap Asuma's arm around her shoulder but was stopped by Shikamaru quickly grabbing her and jumping back to where Choji stood while thread stabbed into the ground where she was

"Heh, sorry girl but I can't let you take away a paycheck." Kakuzu tells her while retracting his thread. Course Ino tried to go back and try again but Shikamaru held onto her.

"Ino I know it isn't what we want but we have to leave his body…if not they will kill us all. Shikamru tells the still partially shell shocked girl.

"B-but" Ino began only for him to glare at her stopping her from arguing. So, she ended up following his orders and followed her teammates without her sensei's body…much to their displeasure.

"Oh no you assholes don't" Hidan growls ready to chase after them only to be stopped by his partner.

"Leave them, we got the valuable one already." Kakuzu told him.

"Fuck no. Jashin needs his sacrifices."

"Let's take him in and then I'll make sure you can have all the sacrifices you could ever want for a while."

"Che, fine." Hidan mutters before walking away from the body forcing Kakuzu to carry his own 'prize'.

~Konoha Hospital~

"Well, I am happy to tell you that you are pregnant." A doctor tells Kurenai with a smile which made her have a small smile as well. For while she was well known to be a cold women one man did manage to capture her heart and she was happy to finally start the family she always wanted with said man. Suddenly though she felt a dull ache in her heart.

"What was that feeling? It felt like a piece of me just got torn away." Kurenai thought mildly concerned.

"Are you ok Kurenai-san?" the doctor asks her clearly concerned about the sudden change of expression bringing her out of her thoughts.

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