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"So what do you need me for?" Naruto asked Sakura sitting at a restaurants table with a light breakfast and green tea.

"Well Tsunade-sama wants you to come do a physical seeing as you have been gone for so long. Also we apparently have a new team set up. For while Kakashi will always be our main team leader she has apparently also set up a possible substitute for him when needed…and we will apparently get a third teammate again soon enough." Sakura told him with a frown at the end.

"….Sakura I know you still must miss Sasuke…but we can't have his choices weigh us down in our careers." Naruto told her. For while he was also a bit sad he also knew they would eventually have to replace the rebel from their team. He didn't like it but it just had to happen.

"I know…it just doesn't make it feel any better." Sakura told him. For she honestly hoped that by now Sasuke would have come to his senses but sadly he hasn't even been seen by a Konoha ninja in several months.

"Sakura-chan…." Naruto muttered feeling bad for the girl that he knew was hurt the most by her crush leaving. "Hey. How about we go out shopping for a bit? I mean I need someone to show me what's new about Konoha." Naruto told her trying to get her mind off of it.

"Yea…sure…let's do that." Sakura agreed. They then finished their meal and began to walk around Konoha leisurely enjoying themselves the best they could as they wasted the day away. Though finally it came time for lunch and they both entered Naruto's apartment again.

~Back at the apartment~

"Haku-chan we are back!" Naruto called out happily as he walked through the front door.

"Welcome back you two. Lunch is almost ready." Haku told them with a small smile as she walked into the living room of the apartment to see them.

"Great I don't know about you Sakura-chan but I am starving." Naruto told Sakura sitting down on the couch while Haku laughed at him.

"And this is why I have to make so much food Sakura-san. Naru-kun manages to not only eat a lot but also somehow burns it off before the next meal." Haku told the pink haired girl.

"They seem like they are already a married couple" Sakura thinks amused especially when Naruto tried to defend himself a bit mentally laughing at the pair. Still they eventually stopped and they all finally sat down to eat.

"So, Yukihime how was your day so far?" Naruto asked curious.

"Pretty good so far." Haku told him with a blush coming to her face as she immediately began thinking about what they did. "I still can't believe we went that far. I just don't know what came over me…or Naruto for that matter. Though to be honest it felt good I wouldn't mind doing it again." She thought glancing over towards said boy who was still happily eating without a care in the world.

"So, how was your time together?" Haku asked

"It was pretty good. Sakura-chan helped me get reacquainted to the village. So, don't worry I'll be able to find new spots to take you soon enough for dates." Naruto told her with a wide smile.

"Sounds perfect." Haku told him with a warm smile. Though they both failed to realize that Sakura currently felt like the third wheel of this meal. But before her awkward moment could continue, they all heard someone yelling from outside of the building.

"Oy Naruto I know you are home. We are bringing all of the teams together for a bit of training and hanging out. It is about time for you to say hello to all of the gang." The voice called out in a tone that could only belong to Kiba.

*sigh* "Well him being a loud and proud person diffidently didn't change." Naruto mumbled out before getting out of his seat and walking outside to talk to Kiba who jumps up to where he was standing.

"Ok Kiba I will join you if you actually tell me when and where. Though honestly how did you even know that of all places I was here?" Naruto told him before asking the one thing he couldn't understand.

"Heh, I smelt your scent being fresh and food around and I am well aware that you never miss a meal if you can help it…in fact you almost act like you belong in Choji's family at times." Kiba told the blond laughing a bit. "Oh and we are going to be at training ground 6 in about twenty minutes you lucky bastard."

"First shut up I just like being healthy and you have to eat to keep your health. Second why are you calling me a lucky bastard?"

"Don't try and hide how lucky you are here bastard. I can still smell a faint whiff of…let's say the pheromones that were in your apartment. You finally decided to go all the way with one of your girls…I honestly don't know whether I should feel proud of you or jealous. But hey in the long run at least you actually know what sex is. We were taking bets about if you were dense enough to romance that you didn't even know what comes with it or not." Kiba explains causing Naruto to blush out of embarrassment.

"S-shut up you damn mutt and just leave. I will see you at the training ground." Naruto told him giving the man in front of him the best glare he could give even if it was ruined by the blush still seen on his face.

"Hahaha see you there." Kiba told him with a large smile clearly not intimidated at all before jumping to a nearby roof and running off to wherever.

"Damn guy." Naruto mumbles before walking back into the house. "Hey how about we all head to the training ground. I mean Haku-chan you might as well be a part of our group anyways." Naruto explained to them.

"Sure why not. I will go get my gear." Haku tells him before grabbing some of the used plates and putting them into the sink as she walked by before going to get her ninja gear ready.

*sigh* "I wasn't expecting to train today but why not? I mean it'd be good to hang out with everyone anyways" Sakura told them. "Well I guess I will see you guys in a bit seeing as I have to gear up." Sakura told the other two with a small smile.

"heh, see ya Sakura-chan." Naruto told her watching her walk out of the door.

"Ugh thank kami I am out of there…note to self being around Naruto and the girls will lead them to be lovey dovey while making me the third wheel….I really need to find someone" Sakura thought with a frown truly not sure what to do.

Oops..short chapter 😁😁
Please continue to read ...

Naruto: The Chakra Molder Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora