Tenorman's Revenge Part 1 - The True Time Child

Start from the beginning

They're still all around us, just really, really small, like the size you would expect a particle to be instead of being almost as big as the kids themselves like in the game. I have T.K. discreetly collect them for further analysis since if these things can say, upgrade my timefart powers even further, then I would totally go completionist mode in this game just for that, let alone all the other time shit here.

As for Time Cores, they also weren't floating around like in game, but I'm willing to bet a few of the gingers have cores on them so I have T.K. scan the area for any time cores like the one I got from that Time Patroller Jimmy.

While we are making our way through this first section of the game, the gingers and the future humans and super intelligent sea otters featured in season 10's "Go God Go" (a couple of which I may have secretly absorbed a bit later to get a boost in natural intelligence) are having an all out war with each other that is a lot more destructive than what was shown in the game. The waves of gingerbots and creations from Mephesto's lab coming after us weren't making things any easier.

Yeah, the other type of main enemy in this game are some of Mephesto's... creations which are mainly multi-assed chimera hybrids of various animals. They aren't much tougher then the robots, but fuck, do they look freaky up close.

Team Stan was holding their own like in canon using bats, guns, and crowbars and I'm having no problem tearing them apart myself, but I decided to give my allies an extra helping hand to speed these combat sections up a bit.

"Okay, there are waaay too many of these guys to deal with like this. This sounds like a job for Coon and Friends!"

In the game, there are sections where one of the boys' superhero alter egos can be used to help get by areas. Each superhero has a time limit before they return to normal, but they have their own abilities as well.

Coon can use his claws to climb up walls and other vertical areas, Human Kite can glide over extended gaps and pits, Toolshed can use his drill to unlock new areas by drilling through dirt and other materials on the soft side, and Mysterion gets a similar buff to his immortality as his Nazi Zombie self in SOT does with him being able to get through fatal traps as a ghost before instantly respawning.

These superhero powers have a time limit in game but there is no such limit here thanks to my magic. I use my Netherborn powers to change them into their costumes and they react as you would expect them to.

"Woah dude!"


"How'd you do that?"

"Just one of my own powers. Now let's go kick some metallic ginger ass!"

Side Note - to make up for my clothes beam not being able to create metal out of thin air, I stopped time and quickly had T.K. use the metal around us to make Coon's claws and Toolshed's tool kit. The others didn't notice as this was when time was stopped so to them, it looked like the clothes beam made their complete costumes. I'll have to look into upgrading that creation ability somehow in the future.

Things get much easier as the heroes here aren't limiting themselves to using the one superhero ability they have in game. Coon's claws shred gingerbots to pieces while Toolshed uses his arsenal of power tools in a similar fashion to his TFBW self, collecting new future gadgets in the process as we go on.

While this is happening, I'm having T.K. suck up all the time particles he can find into myself and look for worthwhile things to merge with.

Along with their superhero abilities, each kid has a regular ability with Cartman's 'belly barge' being able to knock over walls and bounce, Stan being able to stun enemies by throwing footballs at them, Kyle removing his hat and using his Jewfro to get into areas only accessible to ginger kids, and Kenny being able to jump higher than any other character in game.

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