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Y/n's P.O.V
"Maybe under here?" MK says, rummaging through more of Wukong's stuff.

Yep, you heard me, Wukong's stuff. MK says he finished those lessons Wukong gave him before he left, and currently, he's ransacking his house to find something that'll make him stronger, he said.

Usually, I would be against destroying Wukong's stuff like this, but nope, not now, he deserves this for leaving without a proper goodbye.

"Ugh, there's got to be something." MK said as he continued to search and search the place.

"Ooh! Remind me what it is we're looking for?" Sandy asks him, looking through a crate. "Oh! Oh! Is this it?" Sandy held up a yellow cube with tiny stars on it.

MK somehow zipped over to him, taking the cube and throwing it. "No! I am trying to find something that will make me super, super powerful, so I can defeat..." MK paused mid-sentence.

"MK, sweetie you okay?" I asked worriedly for him.

"Yeah...I'm fine, I'm trying to be stronger so I can defeat so-someone... Anyone. You know, to be sure that I got what it takes to take on the next big bad!" He stood in a heroic pose.

"I thought Monkey King was training you with remote lessons." Sandy spoke.

"Oh please, MK's already finished them, if Wukong was a decent person, he would've helped him, but did he, no." I crossed my arms, sitting on the couch with Sandy and Mei.

"Just like Mom said, I already learned them all that the Monkey "King of Vacations" left for me!" MK summoned his staff and made it disappear, showing off all he learned himself. "I don't know, I just... I feel like I'm ready for something... bigger. More powerful."

Sandy held up a scroll, putting in some glasses to read it. "The wise warrior leads their enemy into their own destruction. What's that mean?"

"It means I need to be stronger!" MK threw some stuff around. "Be so powerful, that it'd be certain defeat to fight me!"

"MK, you need to take a break, you're getting stressed out." I told him.

"Ugh, did Monkey King ever take breaks?" MK put his hands on his hips.

"You wanna argue with me young man, he's on vacation right now." I gave him the look.

"Plus, he has logged some serious hours on this game." Mei spoke, pressing buttons on a controller.


"Uh-huh, like 10,000." Mei said.

"No way Monkey King would have wasted time on this." MK says before he gasps. "Unless? Yes! This must be it!" He yanked the VR goggles off of Mei's face.

"Hey, MK?" Mei complained.

"You said it before Mei. Monkey King is never gonna just give me the answers straight!" MK says.

"I said that?" Mei looked confused.

"He must have left me this game for a reason! It has to contain the knowledge of some unbelievably, powerful new ability!" He puts the VR goggles on.

"Or it's just a cruddy, old video game that Monkey King likes because his face is on the box?" Mei says, looking at the box.

"This is amazing! It looks just like Monkey King's house!" MK says.

I let out a small chuckle, walking over to him. "That's because it isn't turned on yet, here." I pressed the button, turning the game on.

MK's character appeared on screen, looking around.

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