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Y/n's P.O.V
I was sleeping peacefully in my bed, but then everything starts to shake, causing me to fall out of bed.

"What the?! Ow!" I rubbed my head.

I got up, went into MK's room to check on him. "MK, you good, bud?"

"I'm fine, Mom. That was some earthquake." He looks at his alarm clock. "Huh? 9:01. I'm late for work! My staff, my staff, where's my staff? Staff? Pigsy's gonna kill me!" He starts panicking, looking for his staff.

I grabbed his shoulders, looking him in the eyes. "MK, breath. Take your time."

He took a breath and let it out. "Okay. Socks. Jacket. Bandana. Let's go." He rushed downstairs with me following behind.

"And I'm here. Pigsy!  I'm so sorry I'm late. I overslept, and I guess I didn't set an alarm?  Honestly, I don't even remember going to bed. And the earthquake, and-and-and-- please don't fire me." MK begged Pigsy on his knees.

"Fire you? Ha! Why would I fire you?" Pigsy smiled.

I raised a brow because Pigsy never smiles like that. "You said that if he is one minute late ever again, he's fired."

"I said that?" Pigsy looked confused.

"That doesn't sound like my best friend Pigsy." Tang said.


Pigsy and Tang laugh together as everything shakes again.

"It's happening again!" MK panics.

"Again? What are you talking about, MK?" Pigsy asked.

"Did you not feel that?" I asked then.

"Feel what?" Pigsy asks.

"I think MK's got a real case of the Mondays, Y/n too, hmm?" Tang looked at Pigsy.

"It's uh...wait, it is actually Monday." I corrected myself.

"Hmm, maybe it's an inner ear thing?" MK says.

"How about trying to summon your staff, buddy?" I suggested to him.

"Oh, good idea." He attempts summoning his staff, but to no avail, he couldn't. "Yep. Uh, must be in there real good."

Pigsy laughs. "Your staff ain't in your ear, kid."

"Oh. That's a relief. Wait, where is it?" MK looked confused.

"On top of the mountain, sealing away the Demon Bull King and his entire family." Tang explains.

"Hold up, I'm getting confused, I'm pretty sure we would have remembered that." I rubbed my head, trying to make sense of the situation.

Tang lets out a sigh. "I keep saying you work him too hard, especially Y/n, she needs time to herself with that special someone."

"I'm sorry, excuse me?" I put my hands on my hips.

"That's it. You're both taking a day off." Pigsy told us.

Before I could even say anything, MK grabs my hand, leaving the noodle shop in excitement.

"My first day off in two whole years. This is a perfect day." MK says.

"Perfect." A crowd says.

I jumped, walking past the creepy smiling crowd.

"No traffic at rush hour?"

There were no cars in sight, which was weird.

"Perfect!" The crowd says again.

My Son (Sun Wukong x reader x Macaque)Where stories live. Discover now