Chapter 290: Wufu 127

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Minjiang First Prison, cell.

There was a dead silence in a small black room of less than ten square meters. Outside the prison was a doctor carrying a death injection.

The tray was white and the prison door was open.

The police outside the door are still waiting for the results, but the prisoners inside the door have no hope.

Qian Bao was sneering, Zhao Yi was calm, Yan Guiqiu continued to grab the ground with his head, and Sun Zhen still looked at them with a violent gaze that would never admit defeat. Huang Zeta saw this scene when he started.

The surroundings are too calm and there is no sound at all.

But Shen Lian felt that his ears were rumbling, as if his whole body was about to explode.

She finally had a feeling of anger being played by Lin Chen. The four criminals were strangers around the orbiter. Lin Chen simulated the second problem situation in a more obscure and imperceptible way. Determine the context of the result.

If she has a knife in her hand now, she will definitely pierce Lin Chen's heart repeatedly with a sharp knife, and the female anchor on the TV is not enough. She said, "We thought that there would be a one-sided result, but we didn't expect After the statistics of some of the voting results at the on-site polling points, some unexpected changes have taken place, which is really incredible. "

The understatement of tone like Lin Chen made Shen Lian out of anger, but she took a deep breath and tried to restore herself to thinking: "What about those who choose 'yes', they also have what you call a moral brake?"

Lin Chen looked at her with a pitying look: "I'm sorry to tell you, yes."

"These people are stubbornly thinking that it is time to change the life of a criminal!"

"This does not mean that they did not hesitate when they saw this problem at first glance." Lin Chen looked at the night sky, peacefully and authentically. "Congenital built-in morality comes first. To overcome it requires more effort. And more importantly, , We must explore behaviors based on intentions and make 'yes' choices. Do people make this choice based on personal self-interest or the value of more people's lives? Do they lower their heads because of fear, or would they rather You bear the moral burden of indirect killers to fight for the right to live for more people? Different intentions lead to the same 'yes' representing different standards of value judgment. Do you know the meaning behind each 'yes' word? "

Shen Lian sneered, but Lin Chen seemed to guess her mind and said it by herself.

"You don't have to look down on those who choose 'No'. This part of the population must be even larger, because the role of moral braking can not be offset by careful thinking. However, they are not timid people who obey the natural moral mechanism of human beings. No 'behind the choice is forgiveness in good faith, respect for life, maintenance of the social legal system for everyone's equality, and strong determination against you. "

"Everything needs to dig out the chicken soup of humanity, it's disgusting!" Shen Lian was vomiting.

"This is true, but it is also very interesting to say, the 'Yes' and 'No' options often represent people with different personalities. The former can quickly make a decision and have a strong attitude, and the Internet is often full of these people's remarks. Because they are very eye-catching. The latter takes more time to make judgments, and often starts to respect inner choices at the last minute. This sometimes reflects that humans do n't like to fantasize that I am a kind and good person, and people tend to act silently Silent, always the majority. "

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