Chapter 204: Wufu 41

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When leaving the cabin, Hongjing was raining.

It wasn't the light rain that this city usually used, but the overwhelming heavy rain. The rain probably fell after they landed. It didn't mean that it would stop immediately.

Lin Chen took a deep breath of the wet water in the air. Although it was mixed with fuel from the airport and muddy, it still felt very kind.

Xing Conglian took his hand. They looked at him with a thousand words of emotion, but could not speak.

The dynasty snored and hit them on the shoulders. Xun Lian turned around and held him up. The young man was so sleepy that he gave me a bed to sleep through the earth.

Xing Conglian pinched the nose and ears of the dynasty for a long time. In the end, there was no way but to carry the person on his body and walk out of the passage.

After passing through the exit passage and exiting the exit, Lin Chen found that Xun Lian pressed the button of the parking lot on the first floor.

"Are you going home?" Lin Chen asked.

Xun Lian glanced at him and smiled, "Counselor Lin, you are testing me."

Lin Chen didn't know why Xunlian Lin suddenly became a psychologist, but when he was staring at him that way, his guilty conscience spread.

He deliberately stirred up a few epilogues, but received only a slight whisper from Xun Lian: "Huh?"

Xing Conglian's expression "You tell me the truth", Lin Chen had no choice but to hold his hand and said, "I don't want to go to the hospital, I have some psychological shadows."

"That's right." Xing Conglian said earnestly, "Counselor Lin can just use his strengths and what treatment ..." He paused and said, "System desensitization therapy?"

Lin Chen said, "Why are you so difficult to do it? No wonder I chase you so hard."

Xun Lian laughed out loud. They stepped out of the elevator and the dynasty snored on his back.

"You can also do something that I am not happy with, and I will be happy to back it up for you." Xing Conglian said so.

Lin Chen felt that this idea was really good. He pulled the man and put his hand into the other's pants pocket. Of course, when his hands went down, Xun Conglian's face was very delicate for a moment. Lin Chen gave a cough and took out his hand. In his hand was the cell phone used by Xun Conglian, not the one used by Dana, of course.

Xing Conglian's face suddenly looked bad: "Consultant Lin, in fact, you can go to the hospital."

But before he finished speaking this sentence, Lin Chen had turned on the power button, and Xun's expression of ashamed heart was rare.

Immediately after they entered the parking lot, Xun Lianlian's cell phone prompt sounded one after another. When they walked in front of the Jeep of Xun Lianlian, the text message reminder sound was still lingering. Lin Chen glanced at Xun Lianlian apologetically before realizing that the Jeep of Xun Conglian was indeed the vehicle parked at the entrance of Yongchuan Subway Station, and now somehow appeared in the underground parking lot of Hongjing Airport.

Xun Conglian opened the door of the car and threw the dynasty into the back seat. The young man turned around, as if lying in a reassuring place, and even started snoring.

"Have you driven the car back?" Lin Chen asked.

"Yeah." Xing Lianlian didn't sit in the cab immediately, but leaned on the door to look at his mobile phone.

"Don't you feel tired after taking the plane and driving home?" Lin Chen opened the door of the co-pilot and sat in, strapping his seat belt.

"Tired, but things in the car are more important, so don't worry about being in the field."

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