Chapter 211: Wufu 48

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Of course, Comrade Xiao Wang just talked about it. After all, people ca n't even talk about love, how could they really upset the boss.

The dynasty sat down in front of the desktop, and a light cough came from behind him. He suddenly stood up and gave up his seat to his boss.

His boss was really embarrassed, so he sat down in front of the computer so carelessly that he had to bend over and manipulate the mouse with a little bit of pain.

The dynasty moved the scene to the final scene where the killer left the crowd with a balloon and said, "This is the scene when the suspect left."

"Um." Xun Lian faintly said.

The dynasty dragged the mouse, and the timeline was dragged to a later position. From the picture, the suspect was faintly seen bypassing the paradise restaurant and walking outside the monitor screen.

Later, the dynasty rubbed his fingers and said, "The time to witness the miracle is here!"

Xun Lian took a note of him with anger: "Scream less."

But after saying this, Rao was even surprised at the sentence.

In the surveillance video, the suspect is walking on the main road of the park, heading towards the exit, and passing by with many cutely dressed girls holding balloons.

"It's five minutes later." The dynasty pressed the pause button and collaged the pictures five minutes ago and five minutes later, "Let's find the difference!"

Xing Conglian looked at the suspect's hand on the left side of the screen, then looked at the right side of the screen: "The 4 balloons on the suspect's hand are gone?"

"Yes, isn't it popular now to kill people and release balloons to make a wish!"

"To shut up."

"Good boss!"

"Can you tell where the suspect went in the five minutes missing in the middle?"

The dynasty said, slammed his finger, called up the three-dimensional three-dimensional view, and the prisoner looked at the restaurant and the exit location from Lianlian. He recalled the direction in which the suspect left the surveillance area, and finally fell on the park's vast artificial lake.

"He went to the lake?"

"Sure enough, to fly balloons by the lake, right?" Said the dynasty.

Xun Lian ignored him at all, and frowned and asked, "Is there a blind spot for monitoring by the lake?"


"Call up the monitoring records here and here." Xing Conglian looked at the three-dimensional picture and clicked twice on the screen.

The dynasty acted according to the words. The screen flowed. The two points of monitoring were the only way for the suspect to go from the lake to the exit. The suspect lowered his head and dressed very strictly against the flow of people.


The punishment was cold. The picture freezes.

Looking at the balloons in the hands of the suspect wearing a peaked cap and large sunglasses, the dynasty couldn't help but slap his tongue, "I rely on, why did he still have a balloon in his hand, and then there was none left?"

Xing Conglian did not answer, but pressed the Enter key, which slowed down the next screen.

It can be clearly seen from the monitoring that after the suspect passed the shoulder of the same couple, he bent down and tied the last balloon on the hand of a chubby little boy. At the end, he was still very Gently rubbed the little boy's head.

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