Chapter 270: Wufu 107

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Hongjing Detention Center, female prison interrogation room, first floor.

Shen Lian is very beautiful. This is Lin Chen's first feeling when she sees her again.

Outside the iron railing is a large concrete floor, which looks gray, with only a few green trees planted in sporadic corners, without rules, and away from high walls. And further afield, the sky on the high wall is divided into regular long strips by the power grid, as is the case with prisons.

Lin Chen looked back, opened the stool, and sat down at the table.

Shen Lian's white wrists were shackled by slender iron shackles. She was set against a gray background. Even wearing a white-washed blue prison uniform, she could hardly hide her bright and beautiful appearance.

Lin Chen nodded with her and put her phone on the table.

Shen Lian asked him with a smile: "Lin Chen, how are you feeling?"

She has a sweet tone, like a doctor caring for her patients, but Lin Chen knows that she must also care about the rats in a similar tone in the laboratory.

"No painstaking effort, always survive."

"Acute withdrawal reaction is not good," Shen Lian asked.

"Life is better to die." Lin Chen answered.

"You have been awake for a little longer than I expected. It seems that personal tolerance to drugs is not the same." Shen Lian concluded in a tone of writing a dissertation.

"Of course." Lin Chen said only two words.

Shen Lian was struck by his words, and women's revenge was always very strong. She froze, then said, "When will you promise me something?"

Shen Lian refers to the fact that he promised her to publicly report on public officials' use of their lives to stop criminals from committing suicide.

Lin Chen directly said: "The fairness of the transaction lies in that I promise you to do one thing, and you promise me to do one thing. But I'm afraid that someone like you will suddenly quit the game, so I need you to give me Something to make sure I keep my promise makes sense. "

"You are not qualified to talk to me about conditions." Shen Lian said.


Hongjing Police Station, Conference Hall.

Before answering the question, Xing Conglian lowered his head and looked at his watch, and then straightforwardly said, "He is in a sudden trial and is in love."

As soon as this remark was made, the scene was silent again.

Many people have doubts about the scene when Lin Chen injected the drug yesterday.

"Counselor Lin's current condition can support long interrogation?" Someone asked.

"Reluctantly support." Xing Conglian answered truthfully.

Some civil servants couldn't bear it.

But others, such as Huang Ze, began to talk.

When Huang Ze saw this, he simply said what these people wanted to say to Xing Conglian: "Lin Chen is doing this now, just like a lonely hero."

The punishment glanced from Lian Senlian's eyes: "Inspector Huang made this statement."

"All departments work together to handle the case, and always let consultant Lin be charged in the forefront, so no one can share it for him?" Another said vaguely.

"Because this case is indeed related to him." The sentence of punishment paused and said coldly, "Accurately, in his own words, he was regarded by criminals as a typical target. I am afraid there is no one else." Have this honor '. "

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