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Deucalion's POV:
I order one of the twins to grab Danika while Kali and the second twin to get Ennis. We get them both to the vet who tells us that he won't help us. He seems to change his tune when he sees that Danika is one of the injured ones.

We get them laid on tables and Deacon checks their eyes, starts with Ennis then goes to Danika. He seems startled and takes a step back after he opens one of her eyes.

"What? What is it?" I ask.

"Her eyes, they're silver." He says and I furrow my brows.

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"I have no idea." He admits.

"Doesn't matter right now, my first priority is saving her life."

"I don't think that's going to be possible." He states and I grip my walking stick tight.

"What the fuck do you mean it's not possible? Fix her!" I roar.

"She's too week, she hasn't had her first transformation yet-."

"But there is a way, yes?" I ask and he gulps.

"I'm not sure." He admits and I take a dangerous step closer.

"The only way I can think of saving her is if she takes another alpha's power." He continues and I clench my jaw.

"You mean kill them?" I ask.

"Yes." He admits and I grit my teeth and turn towards where Ennis lies.

He's loyal no doubt, but he also is the one who got us into this entire mess in the first place. Kali will be devastated but I won't let her know the truth.

"Alright, let's get it done." I say and I can tell Deacon is in shock.

We put the two tables next to each other and I take Danika's hand and put it over Ennis' face. I help as I make her hand crush his skull until he stops moving and her fingertips are covered in his blood.

It takes a moment but I hear a small groan come from her, her eyes open for a moment and I use mine to see that they're indeed bright silver. It's strange. I've never seen anything like it before. They close once more and I can see her body starting to heal itself, her bones are mending back together and she gets some color back in her face.

"Let me know when she wakes up." I say and cover up Ennis' body then go out to tell Kali.

Peter's POV:
Chris and I finally go and look for Danika when she doesn't come back the next morning. We head to the bank and find no bodies, but plenty of blood at the scene. Particularly on the lowest elevator.

"This is her blood." I state knowing her scent and Chris looks down at the blood and then up.

"They fell from up there." He figures out the trajectory, 3 stories up.

"No one can survive a fall like that without some sort of power. Let alone walk away from it." I point out.

"Unless she was carried out."

"By who? Scott and the others didn't care about her, they probably weren't in good shape to even get down here by the end of it." I counter.

"Derek?" Chris offers.

"This is Derek's blood. So, if he even had the strength to get up, he wouldn't be strong enough to get her out of here as well." I counter.

"Which leaves one person." I state and we look at one another.

"Deucalion." We say at the same time.

We get to the Vet's place and I listen carefully and hear Deucalion's voice.

Criminal Minds: DanikaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon