(125) ENLIGHTENED (125)

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Hotch's POV:
I watch as they shock Danika with the defibrillator. Her body jolts and they turn up the power and do it again. The third time they're successful and get a steady pulse again.

"We need to get her in an ice bath. Now!" The nurse says and they start moving her bed out of the room.

We sit in the waiting room, waiting till we get more news about what happened and how Danika is doing.

"She'll be fine."

"It's quite normal to get a fever with this kind of trauma." Reid assures but it doesn't make me feel any better.

"I have to go check on my men's progress." Jettson sighs as he gets up.

"Look, I'm sorry for my temper earlier, I just-." I start apologizing.

"I get it, you're protective of her. I understand why now." Jettson chuckles and shakes my hand and I simply nod.

He leaves and we wait a few more minutes. The doctor comes back and lets us know she's back in stable condition, that it was tough and go for a few minute but they finally got her temp down. I release sigh and rub my face, grateful it wasn't worse.

"We're gonna keep her in the bed alone for now, too much activity can stress the body, we don't want anything like that to happen again." He explains and I thank him for the update.

A man wearing a sharp looking suit walks into the hospital and makes his way over towards the front desk. He has nicely groomed dark hair and a square jaw, his suit looks expensive and he has an air about him that screams; calm and collected, but isn't scared of fights.

They talk for a minute, quiet enough I can't hear what they're saying, and I notice something odd. At first the nurse refuses to tell him something and then he tries again, looking into her eyes, and she calmly agrees and seems to tell him what he wants to know.

Not only that, but she agrees to bring him to wherever he wants to go. He politely nods with a small smile, glancing over at me for a second and then follows the nurse. They leave the waiting room and I try to figure out what just happened.

Elijah's POV:
The nurse shows me where Danika is and I thank her and enter the room, closing the door behind me. I walk over to her bed and brush back her hair from her face. She looks calm as she sleeps. I sit down in the chair next to the bed and sigh.

Rowena, the witch I hired to look over Danika, came to me when she feared something terrible had happened to her. We used a locator spell to figure out where Danika was and I took off.

I take a pin from my suite and prick my finger. I put the blood up to her lips, carefully opening her mouth, letting the few drops of blood enter her system. The small puncture wound on my finger heals and I watch as her eyes slowly flutter open.

She blinks a few times as if she's trying to figure out what's going on. Her eyes meet mine and I give her a small smile in return.

"You had me scared there for a minute." I admit and she slowly sits up in her bed.

"What did you give me?" She asks as she licks the last of my blood from her lips.

"My blood, it heals." I explain without going into detail and all she does is scoff.

"Of course it does." She mutters, not questioning it.

"How about you tell me how this happened?" I offer and she just rolls her eyes if that's the one question she doesn't want to answer.

"How did you know I was even here?" She ignores my question and gives me one of her own.

"I hired a witch named Rowena to look after you and tell me if she ever feared you were in danger." I confess and she just looks annoyed.

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