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Ballard's POV:
I get a phone call from my contact, who's looking into the logs of the flight. I go to meet up with her in the middle of the night by the shipping docks.

"I owe you one. Better make it two. Someone deleted the catalog entry. I had to go box by box." She says and puts her hand in her bag.

A bullet enters her skull and she drops to the ground. I look around but don't see anyone. When I look back at her on the ground, there's a note on her body.

I pick up the note and it says;

Check her bag. You're welcome.

I try to figure out where the person went, but there's no one around. I go back to the body and see a man standing there over it.

"What the hell?" I ask.

"Nice job." He says as he looks at the body.

"You mean this wasn't you?" I ask, showing him the note and he shakes his head.

"Then who-." I say and start looking around, hoping I catch a glimpse of any possible movement.

"I need to get you out of here. There's clearly a rogue." He says and brings me to his car.

"What do you mean there's a rogue?" I ask as he starts the car.

"The only people who knew about this meeting was myself and the dead girl and you. The only way someone else would know about it is if the dead girl let it slip to someone in B613."

"Rowan wouldn't have his own person killed." I say and he shakes his head.

"No he would not, not like that."

"And I think it goes without saying, you can't tell The President about the rogue, at least not anywhere people are listening or watching." He says and I nod.

We get to the White House and head to the Oval Office. The man gets me inside and takes his leave.

"When did you put a security detail on me?" I ask as Fitz calmly sits on his couch.

"When I found out that B613 wanted you dead."

After we have an argument about Olivia I leave, without telling him about the possible Rogue.

No-Name's POV:
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Rowan growls, storming into my room.

"You know, knocking is a thing." I mutter.

"You killed one of your own." He says and I furrow my brows as if I don't know what he's talking about.

"Don't even try to pull that on me. I notice you'd been getting close to her lately, I just didn't know why."

"We had a deal. You leave Ballard alone and I work for you." I say and he scoffs.

"You think this is up for negotiation? He crossed the line-."

"Right, looking into the supposed death of Olivia's mother. I know. I'm not dumb. How is she by the way? I understand that she's a complete sociopath or whatever name you want to call her. She's good at faking at being a caring person, I'll give her that." I say and he shoves me against the wall.

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