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"So, Dean. What is it that you do?" Fitz asks trying to make small talk and Dean gulps down his burger and looks over at me.

"He helps the character of Dean come to life. Works with his brother and the author, helps with plots and new monsters and travels to different places." I answer for him and Fitz nods his head.

"That sounds cool." Fitz says sounding kind of jealous.

"It has It's perks." Dean shrugs and takes another burger.

"You don't mind if I borrow Danika for a moment, do you?" Fitz asks and Dean shrugs with a mouthful.

I follow Fitz out of the dining hall and we head to the secret room so we can talk more privately.

"What?" I ask and he brings me into a kiss and I give in for a moment and let myself get tangled up with him.

When we separate from the kiss he puts his head on mine and takes a deep breath.

"Sorry." He apologizes.

"I just, when I saw the news and figured out the two books were linked...I couldn't let you be out there. Whoever is doing this seems focused on people from that book, and it's only a matter of time they go after the real characters." He explains as he takes a step back.

"Fitz, it's part of my job to be in danger..." I chuckle.

"It was part of my job when I worked for you too." I remind him and he nods.


The team ends up finding a suspect after sending Probie out as bait in a coffee shop he frequents. Dean gets a kiss on the cheek from Mellie, making him blush bright red as we're brought to the car.

"I'm never washing this cheek again." Dean says as we drive back.

"You better, the mouth is a factory for all kinds of bacteria and diseases." I state.

"I don't care." He scoffs and I roll my eyes.

"Wanna see the perp?" I ask Dean and he shrugs as he parks the car.

We head inside and go down to interrogation. I look in the window and see the guy alone in the interview room. He's wearing a shirt with blood on it.

"Have you questioned him yet?" I ask Gibbs who's just standing next to me, staring.

"No, I was waiting for you guys." He mutters, not even looking my way.

"Why?" Dean questions.

"Because apparently you two are his favorite characters." Gibbs says finally looking at me.

"So, you think he'll tell us?" I ask.

"He believes the books are real life, hunt monsters together and then when you're not in Supernatural, you're in Mcgee's book." He explains and I nod.

"Yeah, there were a few theories about that online." I huff.

"Let's do this." I tell Dean punching him in the arm lightly.

"Wait, you mean like-." Dean starts asking and I grab him and drag him into the room with me.

The suspect looks up from the table and his eyes go wide. He stands up and looks between Dean and I in amazement.

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