Bodies and Trees

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Once I've finally calmed down, I go outside to get some fresh air. Sam and Dean finally left as I requested, which helped ease my conscience.

"Who would've thought you'd go after Lisbon?" Patrick chuckles as he comes up next to me.

"This fucking case doesn't make any sense. Not in mortal terms anyway." I mumble and take a drag of my cigarette.

"What do you mean by mortal?" He asks as he takes my cigarette and takes a drag.

I just shake my head, not knowing how to answer in a way he'd understand. He doesn't believe in the afterlife, mostly anyways. A SUV pulls up into the parking lot and I recognize Chris as he gets out. He grabs something from the back seat and I chuckle remembering what he promised.

"You like it?" He asks as he hands me the European antler mount.

"It's perfect." I nod and then remember who's standing next to me.

"How do you two know each other?" Patrick questions, obviously intrigued.

"I was on a call and he saw me on the side of the road, cutting a deer in half, it was stuck in the windshield of a car." I explain and Patrick simply nods.

"You made this?" Patrick asks as he looks at the mount.

"Yeah, had some free time on my hands." Chris shrugs as if it's no big deal.

"Being single does that. I mean, harder when you lose the spouse to death, but, frees up time nonetheless." Patrick states and I elbow him in the ribs, making him shut up.

"Sorry about him. He reads people for a living and doesn't know when to stop talking." I apologize to Chris.

"I see. But I'm guessing he knows from personal experience as well." Chris states and Patrick simply stares at him.

"Thanks for the mount, let me know what I owe you-." I say changing the subject.

"You owe me nothing. I was happy to get back into the craft." Chris assures me and gives me a smile.

"Thanks again." I say and he nods and heads to his car.

"He likes you." Patrick chides.

"Shut up, he does not." I scoff.

"Does too."

"Does not."

"Does too."

"Who does what?" Lisbon asks as she makes her way over.

"Nothing." I say as I go inside and set the mount down on my desk.

"Danika, will you head to the school? I need the contents of our latest victim's locker." Stilinkski asks.

"I'll drive." Patrick offers.

"Actually, she's going alone, we need you here to help question the girlfriend." Lisbon counters and Patrick huffs annoyed.

I head to the school and walk past the music room and see the redhead in there alone. I huff as I enter, knowing she was the one who found the body at the pool. She's listening to some recording of someone playing the piano, but then there's different music in the background. It sounds like chanting of sorts, then it's just quiet.

"Son of a bitch." I huff, realizing Sam and Dean were right.

Lydia jumps in place and turns around to see me.

"Easy." I tell her and she takes a few deep breaths to calm herself down.

"Was he in class?" I ask about her teacher and she shakes her head.

Criminal Minds: DanikaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt