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Danika's POV:
I wake up in the motel and already know Azazel is in the room. I've learned the tell tale signs of his arrival. It's a mixture between a scent of sulfur and an insufferable ego.

"Ready?" He asks and I already know he snapped my clothes onto my body for me.

"Let's do it." I say getting out of bed but stop when I get a stabbing pain in my head.

"What is it?" Azazel asks, more annoyed than anything as I close my eyes.

I grimace and hold my head with my hands, trying to get the pain to stop. I work on concentrating on one thing and a few seconds later the pain finally stop. I take a few deep breaths feeling dizzy.

"What was that?" He asks once I stand back up.

"Nothing, let's go." I say knowing I have to kill soon or it'll happen again, but worse.

"No, not until you tell me what that was about." He says and I narrow my eyes when he forces me to stay in my place.

"It was nothing, let's-." I start saying and he tilts his head.

"This from my blood?" He asks.

"No." I say truthfully.

"Fine." He says and releases me from his hold.

"I got the guy ready, he's waiting in a warehouse." He says, but I get a series of images in my head.

It's a map and a finger pointing a two different spots on the map. One of the locations is where we are right now.

"Wait." I say as he grabs my arm to transport us to our location.

"What?" He asks.

"They know." I say.

"What? Who knows? And what?" He asks confused.

"They know where we are." I say.

Hotch's POV:
"Hotch, I got something." Reid announces while coming into my office.

"What?" I ask.

"There was an old vacant warehouse that was burnt down a few miles from here last night. Then this morning extremely strong winds over here." He says pointing on the map.

"And the other location has a whole street of motels near it." Garcia adds rushing in holding her laptop.

I get the team together and we split up. Morgan, Prentiss and I go to the warehouse while Reid, Rossi and JJ go check out the motels to see if anything odd has happened.

"Hotch, we got a body!" Morgan announces and I follow his voice to see a man with a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head.

"What's all this?" Prentiss asks looking at the walls and I look around and see the victim's names painted on the walls in what looks like blood.

"Looks like a confession." Morgan points out.

After CSU arrives and we leave, we meet up with the rest of the team.

"A motel manager said he recognized the guy." Reid says about the dead man.

"It's almost like he was following the pattern as well as us us." Reid continues.

"So this guy killed based on weird stuff happening in places?" Prentiss asks.

"There's been stranger reasons." Morgan scoffs.

Danika's POV:
"What was that back there?" Azazel asks about the pain that stopped me for a moment.

"Nothing." I mutter, not wanting to talk about it but he stands in my way.

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