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Ballard's POV:
After Danika leaves I can't help but think about when we first started seeing each other. I had met her originally when Olivia Pope came to the pentagon to question me. But I officially met Danika at the White House, Fitz introduced us in his office.

I remember being intrigued by her at the Pentagon, I only saw her for a few seconds at first, but there was something about her that made him want to see her more. I was ordered by Fitz to watch over Pope, so I had to flirt with her, and she was beautiful as well.

But this girl, I couldn't stop thinking about, I found myself wondering what kind of movies she liked to watch. I contemplated on what her favorite color might be, what she found funny or annoying. But the real question in my mind I couldn't quite fathom an answer to was, why was she so calm standing in the pentagon? Even Olivia had to put up a front of sorts, an air of confidence as she talked to me. Danika just stood there like she could care less about the building she was standing in and who she was standing near.

And then when I saw her sitting so casually in the Oval Office, sketching in a notebook, I couldn't help but freeze. I had no idea what she was doing here, never heard any mentions of her near the White House or anything to do with the government. Yet there she was leaning back on the couch, sketching a cartoon of Fitz.

Fitz assured me she was trustworthy and I couldn't find it in me to doubt it. One thing I did know about her was that Olivia Pope definitely didn't know that Danika used to work for Fitz.

I found it hard to believe that Fitz just casually invites her over to the White House as if it's old friends catching up. But here she was, relaxing on his couch as if it were a downtown apartment instead of the Oval Office.

I think that is the allure of her, she can be anywhere and feel comfortable and at ease. She doesn't see the power dynamics like most people do with places, or even people. To her, The White House is just a place and Fitz is a person. Simple, neat, and honestly, refreshing.

I had "bumped" into her at a bar and she could see right through my lies. She wasn't upset about it, amused and a bit annoyed that I tried to spy on her.

The truth is, spying on her was nearly impossible. Getting any information on her was nearly impossible, and then I realized why. She used to work for Fitz in secret without anyone knowing even at that time. He had her erased from all cameras and hadn't lifted the order. She could rob a bank and get away with it.

I finally figured out a bar that she liked visiting on the weekends and got up the courage to go there one night. I tried flirting with her like I did with Olivia but I backfired hard. Not only did she know that I had done this tactic on Olivia, but she also knew why I had flirted with Olivia.

"How about next time I take you out to a nicer place?" I ask as I slide onto the seat next to her.

"I can usually forgive stupid, but that..." She scoffs shaking her head.

"What? No good?" I ask, surprised the pick up line didn't work.

"Seriously? You used that same line on Pope at the Pentagon."

"You heard that, huh?" I ask, feeling a bit sheepish.

"It's not like you were being subtle about it."

"I'm guessing I struck out, huh?" I ask about asking her out or talking to her at all tonight.

"Think the rule is 3 strikes." She says with a smirk and I can't help but chuckle.

"Two left...hmmm..." I reply, trying to figure out what could possibly get her to stay interested in talking with me.

"Not saying anything suspenso count." She reminds me.

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