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Danika's POV:
"Who the fuck are you?" I ask as a guy walks over.

He looks like a child trying to act like a man, masquerading as a doctor.

"Hi, my name's George." He introduces himself and puts his hand out for me to shake.

l ignore him, but he doesn't take the hint and keeps it in the air.

"Why are you here?" I rudely ask, and he finally puts his hand down.

"I heard about the ferry boat accident and how you tried to help out." He explains and I roll my eyes.

They all think I snuck onto one of the ambulances and tried to help out in the efforts. People have been coming up to me, commending me for my brave efforts in helping. It's taken all my willpower not to punch them in the face.

"Lunch is served." Mark says as he brings me some fast food and sets it on the tray in front of me and George quickly takes his leave when Mark quirks a brow at him.

"Fucking residents." He scoffs.

We're sitting outside in the nice weather at a table. He grabs his food from the bag and puts it on a tray and does the same with mine.

"Don't you have like some boobs to enlarge or something?" I scoff.

"Slow day today." He shrugs and then takes a bite of his burger.

I still can't remember who I am but part of me doesn't want to. They said I was an FBI agent and that sounds like a lot of unnecessary work to me. It's easier just to kill someone how you want and move on. Of course I'm not gonna tell them that.

Plus I don't know how much longer I'm gonna be able to stand staying in this hospital. It gets so boring when none of the drama is going on. But, Mark's sex is amazing, so is Derek's. Neither of them know I'm screwing the other, and it's kind of fun watching them think they're pulling one over on one another.

Plus, Meredith looks jealous as hell whenever Derek is talking to me and it cracks me up. She tries her best to hide it but is terrible at it.

Unfortunately the games are starting to get stale and I need to move on. The only way I can do that is if I start acting like I'm remembering who I was.

Turns out the man in my dreams was right. I can read minds, which has been a huge help with figuring out who I was before I lost my memory.

I met Derek in a parking garage when I was blind. I can't remember the reason I was blind though. Something about ham, but I don't know how I got to the parking garage.

Met Patrick Jane durning a case in California, something about a woman getting hit by a car her daughter was driving. There's more but I don't need to reveal too much to be released from the hospital. They just want to see progress in my condition, so, that's what I'll show them.

"I think I remembered something." I say and Mark looks up at me.

"There was a bomb in the hospital. I-I had my hand on top of it." I say and he gets up with wide eyes.

He pages Derek and I watch as Derek comes rushing over a few minutes later.

"What is it?" Derek asks.

"Tell him what you told me." Mark says.

"About the bomb in the hospital?"

"There's a bomb in the hospital?"

"No, she's remembering the time there was. She's remembering." Mark says and Derek smiles and picks me up and twirls me around excitedly.

"Do you remember anything else?" He asks as he sits me down again and I try to think.

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