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I stand in line at the bank waiting to withdraw some money. I feel a tug on the back of my shirt and look back and see a little girl looking up at me.

"What?" I mutter.

"Are you a cop?" She asks seeing my badge.

"Yup." I answer plainly.

"My daddy's a cop he-." She starts saying but is interrupted.

"Everyone on the ground!" A male voice shouts and shots are fired.

I cover the girl out of instinct and get her to the ground. I see her mom frantically looking for her and I show her that her daughter is safe.

I get her to her mom and who is huddled against the counter. She grabs the girl and holds her tight.

I look around and see two men with masks and guns. One is at the desk, ordering the lady's there to give him cash and the second one is guarding the door.

"Hurry up!" The guy at the counter shouts.

"I'd ask for the bills without the dye." I say as I slowly stand up.

"What?!" The man growls and points the gun at me.

I try to look into his mind but the moment I do I feel pain searing through my body. I clench my teeth trying to hide the pain as it passes and sigh when it's gone.

"She's giving you cash with an ink bomb that will explode all over the money. If you want to use the money you're taking, ask for a bag that has no GPS tracking in it and have lower bills placed in it." I say and he narrows his eyes at me.

"Do what she says!" He orders the girl who's a whimpering mess.

"There's something I forgot to mention." I say as the girl fills the bag with money.

"What?!" He growls pointing the gun at me.

"I'm with the FBI." I say and shoot him with one gun, and the other one with the one I got from my ankle holster.

"Fucking idiots." I mutter and look in the bag then get $500 in cash and pocket it

"Go ahead and call the police. Have a nice rest of your day." I say and head outside and shoot the tires out of the get away car.

I shoot the driver in the leg and take his gun away, leaving him screaming in pain on the side of the road. I get on my motorcycle and take off for work.

I'm angry that my ability still isn't working. I thought it would be a temporary thing but it doesn't seem to be. Every time I try to look into someone's mind I get an image or a feeling like I'm being tortured. Sometimes it's both at the same time.

I'll get feelings of as if I'm burning alive or having my arm torn off my body. Sometimes it's the image of a limb being slowly sawed off my body and I can't move. All I can do is scream.

I clear my head and get to the BAU and hop off my bike. I enter the conference room after I get a text from Hotch about a case and expect to see him there but he isn't.

"Traffic was a bitch." I mutter as I enter the conference room and give Derek, Reid, JJ, Rossi and Garcia a hundred dollars each for a bet I lost.

"I heard there was an attempted bank robbery." An unfamiliar female voice states.

I look over and see a lady in her mid forties with dark brown hair sitting where Emily used to sit. I narrow my eyes not liking the seat being taken.

"Could be. Who the fuck are you?" I ask and Derek looks over at Reid who's busy counting his money.

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