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We find out that Haroun kept a journal of what they did to him while he was tortured. Kate wanted to go public, which equals motive.

Apparently Haroun saw his torturer in a little diner. He puked all over the table when he saw them. I clench my jaw remembering what Jett would say to me at first.

"Even if you get out of here, you'll always wonder if it's me, when you see a man looking at you."

I continue with the paperwork, doing my best to keep my mind off of it. I haven't thought a whole lot about the torture in a couple weeks. It was finally getting better and I was sleeping again.

I finish the stack of files and put them on Cargen's desk. He looks up from his own paperwork at me.

"You're done?" He asks amazed.

"Yeah." I shrug hoping he as more, I can't stand thinking about this case right now.

"Help Munch on his stack." He orders and I nod and take half of Munch's stack.

"How did you get through them so fast? It's like reading a dictionary." Munch scoffs and I just shrug and get to work.

Elliot's POV:
We find the decidor for a Dr. Faith Sutton at the diner that Haroun was at. He head to the hospital to talk with her and I can't help but chuckle when Danika turns it down.

We ask Sutton about her encounter with the victim and she seems to remember him. Instead of it being her husband at the diner with her it was a Stanley Tomforde. An old army friend of hers.

We get his address only to find it completely empty. He skipped town.

"Nobody saw Tomforde take off?" Cragen asks when we get back to the station.

"A couple across the street heard a truck pull up in the middle of the night." I answer.

"The rest of the neighbors couldn't even believe the Tomforde's had moved."

"Apparently the guy had some experience with subterfuge. Army says he was special forces, awarded the Purple Heart and. Bronze start in desert storm." Lake informs us and I notice Danika doing more paperwork at my desk with headphones on.

"Left the army, gave them a forwarding address in London." Lake continues.

"Where he got his paycheck. IRS has him as an employee of Helios Defense Industries. A London based corporation." Fin announces.

"Helios is a British mercenary outfit." I say and they pull up the website.

"Security and risk management company with offices in Uganda, Paris, Bahrain, Afghanistan, and Iraq." Cragen reads off.

"Training local forces, site security, geopolitical intelligence." Olivia reads.

"Sounds like detention and interrogation is right up their alley." Fin speaks up.

"It says they hold the pentagon's largest military contract in Iraq." I add.

"Three billion dollars to maim and kill." Much huffs.

"And three billion reasons why Helios couldn't let Abbas' memoir get out."

"Does Helios have a New York office?" Cragen asks.

"Run by Jack Rexton. President of U.S. operations." Munch says and shows a photo.

"Go check it out." Cragen tells me.

"Can Danika come?" I ask.

"She's doing good at the desk. Got one stack done already. She seems fine there." Cragen says and I huff but nod.

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