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"So, what do you think?" Gibbs asks as I check out the patio.

"Nice view." I say and he smirks.

"You talking about the outside or-." He starts saying as I walk towards him.

"Mmmm." He grumbles and pulls me close.

"I know what I'd like to view." He mutters and I smirk.

"And what's that?" I ask and he leads me towards the bed.

"Oh, I think you know." He whispers in my ear.

I crawl onto the bed and slowly undress as he watches me. Soaking in every inch of my skin with his stare.

"Damn." He whistles and gets on top of me.

We start kissing, moaning and grunting as it deepens. He unbuttons his shirt and throws it across the room. Next comes the belt which he tosses on a chair.

"Ready, baby?" He asks.

"I need you." I whine and he kisses me to shut me up.

"You think whoever is watching is buying this?" I whisper once the kiss ends.

"Hell, I am." He scoffs.

"Too bad you couldn't get Tony and the new girl to do it." I say.

"Yeah, too bad." He smirks and then goes down on my neck with his lips.

Alex's POV:
I get to work only to see that Danika's desk is empty. The stuff she had on it is still there but she's not present.

"Where's Danika?" I ask Morgan, somewhat secretly hoping she got fired for the stunt she pulled with the gun and the baby.

"We have a case." Hotch says before Morgan can answer.

I follow them to the meeting room and notice Danika's seat is empty. No one seems to be wondering where she is, other than me.

"Where's Danika?" I ask and Hotch looks up from his papers.

"Not important, what's important is the case." He says sternly and I just nod.

Tony's POV:
I head down to autopsy to see what Ducky can find out about our two bodies.

"Oh, she's very beautiful, Tony." Ducky comments on the woman in the body bag.

"Her name's Sophie Ranier. She's killed over 25 people." I state and he nods curtly.

I can't help but wonder how many people Danika's killed as SKS. Not that it would change anything. I was pretty good at accepting the fact that she's a retired serial killer.

"And her friend?" He asks going over to the second body bag.

"Her husband. Jean-Paul Ranier. Both Canadian citizens, both contract assassins." I explain.

"They were killed in a car accident two days ago. Here's the accident report." I say and give him the file.

"I'm assuming this is urgent." Ducky states.

"Apologies about the girlfriend, Ducky." I start saying but the Director arrives.

"Tony, I expected to see Gibbs down here." She says confused and I realize he didn't tell her.

"We need to know everything we can on these two, Ducky." I continue.

"Why is NCIS investigating this?"

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