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I wake up on my desk, with my phone going off and Stilinski standing over me, chuckling in amusement.

"You stayed here all night?" Stilinkski asks.

"Yeah, making up the hours I missed." I mutter and he just shakes his head as I yawn.

"Get some rest."

"Already did. What's up?" I ask knowing he's headed out for something.


"You can either tell me or-." I warn him.

"Fine, the vet is missing." He says and I spring up from my chair and grab my badge and gun.

"Let's go." I say and we head outside to the cruiser to make our way to the vet clinic.

We get to the clinic and head inside and look around, trying to find any sign of Deaton. Suddenly while I'm looking through some files, Scott runs in and stops when he sees us.

"How'd you know?" Scott asks when he finally catches his breath.

He gives me a wary look, but thankfully is smart enough in this moment and doesn't say anything.

"Stiles called me as soon as you left school." Stilinkski explains.

"I'm sorry, your boss' car is still here, and the back door is wide open." He finishes and Scoff sits down on a bench in the waiting area.

"Scott, I need you to tell me everything." He adds and I glare at Scott, warning him to keep his mouth shut.

Stiles arrives and I look through papers, wondering if Deaton left a message before he was taken, like the teacher did, but I don't find anything. Stilinkski tells the boys to go back to school and let us handle this. But if I know Scott, he's not going to drop this, neither will Stiles.

I'm feeding the cats, according to their diets, when my phone goes off and I grit my teeth and head outside.

"Right now is not a good time." I tell Fitz.

"Damn, hello to you to." He scoffs, seeming amused at my annoyed attitude.

"Look, I'm in the middle of a serial murder investigation, with a vet currently missing. So make this quick." I snap.

"Alright, sorry. I just wanted to see how you were doing." He explains and I close my eyes and realize my temper is getting out of hand again.

"Sorry, I'm just-this case is frustrating and it doesn't feel like I'm getting any closer to finding the killer." I huff.

"They must be a professional if they're able to confuse you." He states, trying to compliment me.

"It doesn't help that literal teenagers are getting in the way of the investigation at every turn." I mutter thinking of Scott and his little group.

"Alright, just try and take it easy. Take breaks when you need to."

"Giving me advice you'd never use yourself?" I scoff and he chuckles.

"You might have a point." He agrees and I hang up and think of something.

I head back inside and recognize a girl talking to Stilinkski. She's the guidance counselor at the high school but, she's also with the alpha pack, and is Deaton's sister. She sees me and gives me a knowing look and a small smirk that makes it hard to keep this growing temper in check.

Stilinkski heads out to the car and she walks over towards me.

"What the hell do you want?" I ask with venom lacing my voice.

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