Chapter 173 - 174

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Demon Lord

"How do you know?" Young Master Jin was shocked.

The news of the fireworks in his body, except for his father and the cronies who followed him to protect him, no one knew at all. Why did this young man know that the fireworks were sealed in his body the first time he saw him?

Young Master Jin immediately looked at Tang Yu with sharp eyes, and a murderous look emanated from him.

Xiaobai was originally standing behind Tang Yu, but after feeling the murderous aura from Young Master Jin, he immediately looked over with a cold face, full of vigilance.

Tang Yu sensed Young Master Jin's murderous intent, sneered and said in disdain, "If you want to kill someone, heh! Then you're really dead."

Young Master Jin stared at Tang Yu in shock.

This young master Jin is the young master of the demon clan. His father, the demon king, swallowed ground fireworks hundreds of years ago in order to improve his cultivation. Fireworks and Divine Fire are the names, if the refinement is successful, you can control the firework as you like and become a combat weapon. Not only will your cultivation base be more refined, it can be said that you will be controlled by the firework in the future.

It's a pity that after the demon king swallowed the fireworks, he couldn't successfully refine them. The primordial spirit in his body would be burned by the fireworks every day. At this time, it would be impossible to spit the fireworks out of his body unless he After death, the earth firework will find a new owner.

The earth firework is different from the god fire, because the earth firework has the demonic nature in hell. If you want to stop suffering the pain of being burned by the earth firework every day, only One way is to pass the ground fireworks to his relatives who are related by blood. In order to avoid the pain of burning, the devil gave birth to the young master of the demon clan. Burning pain, this kind of pain is worse than death.

You must know that what a cultivator cares most about is the primordial spirit, and the primordial spirit has to suffer in the ground fireworks every day. The pain is no different from that of a living person jumping into the sea of ​​​​fire and being swallowed by the fire. The only difference is that this person will not die. He will feel the pain of being burned by the earth fireworks every minute and every second.

In order to alleviate his pain, the Demon King searched for high-level alchemists all over the world for him, and temporarily suppressed the daily explosion of the fireworks in his body. Demonic nature is not so easy to be suppressed, he still has to endure the explosion of fireworks for half a year every year, he will be unable to control the violence all over his body, and will kill people madly with his temper, every time the fireworks explode on him, he will be killed The Demon King was locked in a special airtight chamber, which had a powerful defensive formation to prevent him from coming out to hurt others, so he would only have half a year to go out after the demonic nature of fireworks was suppressed.

Therefore, although he, the young master of the demon clan, was extremely loved by the demon king, he also suffered from a cruel heart that others did not know.

The reason why Tang Yu knew that this Young Master Jin had fireworks in his body was that the moment he came in, the temperature on his body was different from that of ordinary people. He had read books about fireworks, and this kind of fireworks was very magical. If you can't subdue the demonic nature of the ground fireworks, you will become a slave of the ground fireworks, and the primordial spirit will be baptized by the ground fireworks for the rest of your life until you die.

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