Chapter 130

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"Here... the spiritual energy here is so strong?" Bai Xiaosi's eyes widened, and now he finally understands why Tang Yu drew an array in the villa. If he didn't draw an array to prevent the spiritual energy from leaking out, it is estimated that there will be a lot of trouble in his villa. Crowded with ghosts and ghosts.

"That's right, it's richer than the aura in the mountains where our white fox family lives." Bai Xiaosi murmured, if the goblin often bathes in the air full of aura, even if he doesn't practice, his cultivation will increase by itself.

The two brothers and sisters were still angry before, but now they are suddenly sluggish, and they have been bought by the aura in the air. They came to the fountain, and the aura here is as thick as ink that cannot be melted. It has been covered with emerald green and round lotus leaves, and even golden lotus flowers have bloomed. There are also emerald green lotus pods. The lotus seeds in the lotus pods are full and round. It makes them more demonic, which is so cool.

"Golden lotus, this is actually a golden lotus..." Bai Xiaosi said in shock.

"It's also the first time I've seen a golden lotus." Bai Xiaowu looked at several golden lotus flowers in the fountain, and there was a faint golden halo on them, so beautiful.

"Wow, what a big carp, it's so beautiful, there are gold, silver and red ones." Bai Xiaosi excitedly looked at the juling carp under the lotus leaf, swimming in the water with jumps and jumps. Carps are divided into gold, silver and red, each of which is the same color without a trace of variegated colors. Obviously, when Tang Yu bought them before, they were all variegated poly-spirited carps, but the poly-spirited carp gathered the spiritual energy of the world and absorbed the spiritual juice After that, it gradually changed, and the scales on the body also evolved into one color, and each of them was huge and beautiful.

Although they can't speak, they already have intelligence and swim happily in the water.

"Fourth brother, fifth sister, why don't you come in?" Xiao Bai came out and said with a smile.

"Xiaojiu." The two looked at Xiaobai pointing to the scene in the fountain in surprise and said, "There is still a golden lotus here. To be able to really see Jinlian..."

"Golden lotus?" Xiaobai walked up to have a look, and suddenly saw that the ancient lotus in the fountain was in full bloom with five golden lotus flowers, which were very beautiful and had a golden halo on them. There are no five golden lotuses yet.

"Tang Yu, Tang Yu..." Xiaobai turned his head and shouted, "Look, there are golden lotuses blooming in the fountain!"

"Golden lotus?" Tang Yu came out and saw the golden lotus in the fountain, his eyes widened in shock, his face was full of surprise, and he murmured, "It's really a golden lotus?"

Golden lotus, this is the only golden lotus in the rumors.

Unexpectedly, Gu Lian not only bore nine-day lotus seeds, but also bloomed golden lotus. Tang Yu thought, maybe the reason why Gu Lian mutated, Gu Lian was buried in the tomb for an unknown number of years, and he soaked it in spiritual juice to absorb it. The small buds sprouted when the spiritual energy was enough, and now he puts it in the fountain with Juling carp, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth day and night, giving birth to nine-day lotus seeds and then producing golden lotus, it must be due to mutation.

"The lotus flower is still golden? Isn't it amazing?" Tang Wei came out and said in shock. Since she was a ghost, she couldn't come out during the day, so Tang Yu refined a parasol for her. This umbrella Unlike ordinary umbrellas, it can block the sun from burning the ghosts, so Tang Wei walked out without fear of the sun.

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