Chapter 095 Monster Beast Pill

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Tang Yu tipped his toes, flew directly down and flew in through the window. The big villa was brightly lit, and the interior was decorated like a palace. There were layers of pink gauze curtains, and the room was full of luxurious decorations, shining golden, almost Tang Yu's eyes were blinded.


Something flew over quickly, and Tang Yu avoided it in an instant. The huge figure stood firmly on the wall after sneaking into the air, and stared at Tang Yu with a pair of green eyes with faint green eyes. Greedy look.

This is a mighty but ugly gecko.

The gecko is more than three meters long with its tail. Its yellow-brown body is covered with patterns. It stands firmly on the ceiling. Its round green eyes are as big as two copper bells, and it has a huge mouth. , the long tongue stuck out, dripping mucus, disgusting.


The gecko stretched out its long tongue and rolled it towards Tang Yu. Tang Yu flew away, and the extremely embarrassed pig spirit just ran out from the layers of gauze curtains. When he saw Tang Yu, he burst into tears with joy, "Master , you are finally here."

"Why is this ugly thing in your house?" Tang Yu asked, pointing at the gecko, and at the same time took out Feng Nie to control it with spiritual power, always on guard against the gecko.

This gecko's cultivation is not low, much higher than the gecko he met last time that snatched ginseng. Tang Yu's cultivation has improved a lot, but he dare not take it lightly.

"I don't know, I just know that there are rumors in the monster group that there is a gecko that likes to eat goblins. Who knows why it came to me?" Bikini, I don't know what her hobby is, it's fine for such a fat person to wear a bikini, but also wear a white one, which is set off by her fat body, it's hard to describe, the swimming rings on her body are layered.

Tang Yu glanced at her, touched her chin and said, "Maybe it's because you are fatter."

Sister Cao, "..."

The gecko didn't give them time to talk, and stretched out its long tongue again. Its tongue was completely stretchable and free, and it was still stained with mucus, which was very disgusting.

Tang Yu and Sister Cao quickly dodge, although Sister Cao is fat, but the speed of dodging is not slow, Tang Yu controlled Feng Nie to fight the gecko and said loudly, "You too, don't blindly Hidden."

"I can't, I can only hide, I can't fight." Sister Cao replied hiding behind a table.

Tang Yu shouted angrily, "You didn't ask me to die for you, did you? Then I won't do it, I'm leaving."

Tang Yu retracted Feng Nie and was about to jump out of the window and fly away. Sister Cao was not willing to let him go, she rushed over to block Tang Yu's way and cried, "Master, please, you can't go, you If I leave, I will be eaten by that gecko."


The gecko's tongue stuck out, and at the same time a huge shadow enveloped the two of them.

Tang Yu carried Feng Nie and turned to meet her.

Thorn Lala!

When Feng Nie's blade collided with the gecko, it made a series of harsh sounds. Tang Yu looked at his face and said angrily, "Tao, why is the skin of this gecko so thick?"

It was like a wall of iron and steel, and his phoenix nirvana couldn't pierce it.

"It's because this gecko is so powerful, otherwise it wouldn't have eaten several goblins." Sister Cao said pitifully while hiding in a corner, "Master, you must not leave, I will be finished if you leave. "

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