Chapter 019 Really Hit a Ghost

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Tang Yu thought for a while and glanced at the rest area not far from the hall, where there were rows of sofas, tables and chairs, Tang Yu said lightly, "Follow me."

Jin Zelin didn't understand what kind of medicine was sold in Tang Yu's gourd, so he followed him to see what he was doing.

The others did not hear the conversation between Tang Yu and Jin Zelin. Their voices were deliberately lowered. Seeing that Jin Zelin was following the young man, he didn't know what to do. Seriously, he said coldly, "You are not allowed to follow."

The others watched this scene in confusion.

Jin Zelin quickly walked to the rest area and saw that Tang Yu had already taken out a pen and a piece of yellow talisman paper, then bent down and quickly drew a talisman with cinnabar on the table. Jin Zelin didn't believe Tang Yu at first, although he thought What Tang Yu said was somewhat correct, but Tang Yu was too young, giving people an obvious feeling of unbelievability. Now that Tang Yu had actually taken out a talisman paper, and even could draw talismans, he immediately believed it.

Tang Yu drew a ghost exorcism talisman very easily. This kind of talisman is not too energy-intensive and very easy to draw. Tang Yu felt the full aura on the talisman in one go, and directly stacked the talisman a few times and handed it to Jin Zelin, saying, "You can draw it at night. Just put it on your body when you sleep, and it can make you sleep until dawn."

Jin Zelin took the talisman and put it in his pocket with half-belief, thought for a while and said, "I'll trust you for now, but if you kid dare to lie to me easily, I won't let you off easily."

Tang Yu hooked the corners of his lips and smiled slightly without saying a word. Jin Zelin turned around and walked to the little friend in front of the counter and said impatiently, "Let's go, let's stop playing, go home."

The friends didn't know why, but they all followed suit.

It was only then that Tang Yu went upstairs and found his presidential suite. As expected of a room that cost a lot of money, the interior was quite luxurious and comfortable. It was much more comfortable than living in Tang's house. Tang Yu was very satisfied immediately. He glanced at the time. It was already one o'clock in the middle of the night. After tossing so late, he didn't have much energy now, and his spiritual power was exhausted. Tang Yu simply took a shower and fell asleep. What? The most important thing is that things are not resting well.

The next day, Tang Yu woke up and asked the hotel to deliver breakfast. After eating and drinking, he checked the spiritual power in his body. After a night's rest, he had recovered by a quarter. He has nothing to do these days and needs to practice more. It is necessary to restore the spiritual power in the body, and only when the spiritual power is restored can he perform the forbidden technique.

Tang Yu sat cross-legged on the bed and was about to practice, but the doorbell rang. Tang Yu guessed that it was the young master Jin he met yesterday. He raised the corners of his lips and walked out to open the door. Sure enough, he saw a anxious face standing at the door Jin Zelin.

"Master." Jin Zelin's eyes widened when he saw Tang Yu, his eyes were full of surprised trust, and he stood at the door and said incessantly, "Master, I put the talisman on it when I got home last night. I put it in my left pocket, and then I slept until dawn, and I didn't feel the heavy breath in my chest anymore, but when I looked at my pocket in the morning, the talisman you gave me It turned into ashes, what does that mean? Does it mean that I ran into a ghost in the middle of the night last night?"

"Come in and talk." Tang Yu turned around and entered the room.

Jin Zelin quickly followed in, his attitude was quite different from before, very respectful and cautious.

Sitting on the sofa, Tang Yu looked at Jin Zelin and nodded, "You have a ghostly aura, so you have indeed bumped into a ghost, but you are young and energetic, and although you will be disturbed by ghosts, this ghost will not be able to do anything to you in a short time , the big deal is just getting sick, don’t worry.”

Jin Zelin's eyes widened in shock, and he stood up from the sofa and said in surprise, "Sick? My parents have both been sick and hospitalized recently. Could it be that they also hit ghosts? They were in good health before, so I said It is impossible for them to get sick for no reason, and the doctor can't find out what's wrong, but they just have no energy all day long, they feel weak all day long, sleepy every day, and can't even eat tea and food."

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