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Ashlee's POV:
"Aww, she's so cute! Bradley did a very good choice on picking out the puppy for you." Kyra smiled, teeth showing.
"Oh my gosh, you don't have braces anymore." I pointed out.
"I got them taken off after Maddy left." Kyra sighs, leaning against the bed.
"I missed you guys." I say.
"We all missed you too. It's lonely without you and Madyson being there." Kyra replied. We gave each other a hug, both happy to see each other again. I pulled away, wanting to find a leash for Mollie. I grabbed a light purple leash from out of the closet, and connected it to Mollie's collar.
"Remember how you'd always talk about Bradley? And now look, you're dating him." Kyra reminded as we headed out the door.
"I know, coincidence right?" I agreed. The both of us were all planning to hang out with Bradley,Maddy,Jake,and my old friends that came here. Sadly, today was the last day for them to be staying here. I was sure as heck going to miss them like crazy.
We all planned to hang out at the bowling alley. I seen on Instagram before Bradley been to this place before a while back when he was dating Sabrina. The whole way there, Madyson put on country music, making me,Bradley,Amber,and Kyra complain.
"Why'd you have to put on country music? Why can't it be 5 Seconds of Summer or something?" Amber demanded, which made Bradley and me look at each other. Bradley winked at me, and held a hold of my hand.
I leaned my head on his shoulder the whole way there. Bradley got his phone and headphones out, both of us listening to music on his phone. I wasn't surprised when he started playing Maroon 5.
"We're here." Just then, we were finally at the bowling alley. Bradley still held onto my hand as we walked in, until we got our bowling shoes. For a bowling ball, I luckily found one in my favorite color, purple. When holding it, I noticed this kind of purple resembled to the promise ring Bradley gave me. I smile, happy about the promise ring. I looked at my earrings and necklace too, considering myself lucky for having a boyfriend like Bradley. He was so supportive of everything I do in life, and didn't matter to him if I was a fangirl. He still loved me for my personality, which was wonderful. Usually guys these days were focused on looks, but for Bradley? He was only focused on personality and characteristics.
I noticed Bradley was wearing the promise ring I got him too. He was holding a New England Patriots bowling ball, which was pretty cool for the colors.
"Woah, that's cool,Bradley. Is there a 5SOS one?" I asked.
"No, sadly not." Bradley sighed. I insanely admired how Bradley understood my fangirling ways. Just then, I thought of something. I knew he was a big fan of Maroon 5. I heard Maroon 5 was going to be having a tour right after the 5SOS concert, which was in April. I had to admit, Maroon 5's music was pretty good. We started bowling, Bradley and me being on a team while the others had their own separate teams. I was okay when it came to bowling. I guess Bradley though the same thing, cause he wraps his arms around my waist, helping me get a strike.
"Hey, that's cheating." Jake teases.
"Helping your girlfriend isn't cheating,Jake!" Bradley insisted, rolling his eyes. It was Jake and Maddy's turn, then of course, Jake did the same thing to Maddy.
"Hey, that's cheating." Bradley mocks Jake.
"Shut up." Jake remarked, Bradley and I laughing at Jake's remark. A little while later,Piper and Austin joined us too.
"Oh my gosh,Piper. It's been a while. How've you been?" I asked her, giving her a hug.
"Good, and I know! I've missed you!" I went with her to get a bowling ball, telling her about the 5SOS concert.
"Aw,thats so cute. Can you please take a picture with Calum for me? I call dibs on him!" Piper insisted.
"Sure,Piper." I laughed. Of course,Bradley and Austin were having a bromance like always.
"Hey guys,take a picture of me and Bradley holding our bowling balls." Austin insisted, handing me Bradley's phone. I took a picture, which turned out perfectly!
"That's a good picture of us,babe." Bradley complimented, kissing me on the cheek.
"Wait let me take a picture with Piper the exact same way." I decided, handing Bradley my phone. Like I predicted, it was exactly alike to Bradley and Austin's picture.
"Bradley and Ashlee should post it at the same. You know, make your shippers go OTP." Piper winked, and I blush.
"In 3...2...1." Bradley and I post at the exact same time, having the same caption too.
"That was cool." Bradley declared,laughing.
"Is it okay if you can take one more picture,Bradley? Of me and my friends before they go home?" I asked him.
"Of course." I rounded up all of my friends, Bradley taking a picture of all of us.
I looked at it, which turned out great.
"Good picture, love." I gave him a kiss, then I hear a camera shot. I turned around to see Piper grinning.
"I'm so posting this to Instagram and putting OTP,OTP." Piper said.
"Fine." I sighed, smiling.
I looked on Instagram to see the picture of me kissing Bradley. I had to admit, it was good picture.
"That turned out pretty good,Piper." I complimented.
"I know." Piper agreed. Before we left the bowling alley, we all took a group picture on my phone.
"That turned out great." I observed. After that, we all went to my house, where Kyra,Lizzie,Hanna,and Amber were going to stay til Amber's dad came to pick them up. Sadly, we all had a few hours to hang together. We all hung in my bedroom, listening to music and talking about how we all missed each other. Bradley,Austin,Piper,and Jake stayed here with us, even though they didn't know my group of friends very well. They were so loyal to me. That was one of the things I liked about being friends with Disney stars now.
"So,Ashlee, we seen your cover of,SLSP. It rocked." Amber praised.
"Didn't Austin play the drums?" Hanna asked.
"Yeah, I did." Austin answered.
"How about you guys play a song? Maybe I could join along too." Amber suggested.
"Alright. How about the song Permanent Vacation?"
"Sounds good, I know the song pretty well." Austin said. We all went downstairs, trying to find Austin's drum set.
"Good thing you left your drum set here." I say.
"True that." Austin agreed. He gets warmed up, and I begin to sing vocals. Amber found my electric guitar, while Kyra got a bass guitar.
"Kyra, you know how to play bass?" I asked.
"Yeah, my brothers taught me." Kyra answered.
Bradley wouldn't stop smiling at me. I started blushing, smiling at him back.
"Who's ready to rock Ashlee's house off?" Austin joked.
"Oh gosh." I say into the microphone.
Bradley got out his phone, and started to record.
"We're obviously going to sing,Permanent Vacation by 5 Seconds of Summer. I hope you enjoy." I said shyly. I started to sing the lyrics, especially enjoying my favorite part, which was:

Falling in love with Bradley Steven PerryWhere stories live. Discover now