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Bradley's POV:
I woken up, realizing it was my birthday. I was turning 17. Wow, almost 18. I was going to be an adult soon, and be able to vote. I woken up and gotten downstairs to find a stack of pancakes on the dining table. Thanks mom.
"Look who it is, it's the boy who's turning 17 today." My mom teased.
"He's turning into an old man!" My dad joked.
"Great," I muttered.
"So,is Ashlee coming over for the family birthday party?" Mom asked.
"Yeah she is," I answered, smiling.
"That's good. You're going to be happy with what we got you for your birthday." Mom grinned.
"It's something you'll love a lot." Dad responded. I wondered what Ashlee gotten me for my birthday. My birthday party with my family was at 3:00, but I had to leave because Ashlee wanted me to do something with her today. I knew she was planning something because she kept grinning and smiling. I ate my birthday pancakes, telling mom and dad goodbye. I headed out the door, and drive to Ashlee's house. I decided since I was going to be more comfortable today around her parents, I would knock on the door this time. Her mom and dad answered the door, greeting with a,"Happy birthday, Bradley!"
"Thanks Mr.&Mrs.Lockwood." I say, and they told me Ashlee's requesting me to go downstairs to the basement. I obeyed her request, and opened the basement door. I slowly go downstairs, calling Ashlee's name. I notice the lights weren't on, which was weird. Yeah, she was definitely planning something. Just then, the lights were turned on out of nowhere, and I notice all my friends said,"Surprise!" I found Ashlee nearby, and she rushes over to give me a hug.
"You guys didn't have to do this for me." I insisted.
"Of course we did, its your birthday." Ashlee said,smiling.
"Happy birthday, buddy." Jake replies, smiling.
"Thanks." This was so sweet what Ashlee did for me..
I notice Ashlee was wearing a gorgeous outfit. Then here I was wearing one of my casual New England Patriots shirts with a pair of jeans.
"You look really cute in that dress." I complimented Ashlee.
"Thanks. It was all for you." Ashlee smiled.
"She literally woke us all up at 8:00 in the morning to plan all this." Olivia said, with a yawn.
"But it was worth it." Piper reminded. After a while of chatting with my friends, it was gift time.
"You're not opening mine yet, you're opening it when we get to your house." Ashlee whispered, and I nodded. I opened Austin's gift for me, which was the new 2016 Red Sox cap.
"Sweet Austin! Thanks." I say, putting it on. I opened Piper's, which was Patriots pajamas.
"Woah, Patriots pajamas. I didn't even know they had these in stock to be honest. Thanks Bag Pipes." I say, putting them to the side.
"No problem,Bradley."
Olivia's gift for me was this funny Red Sox card with money in it.
"That's funny. Thanks Olivia." I laughed. I opened Maddy's gift, which was a subway gift card.
"Hope you enjoy your guys next date." Maddy winks at me and Ashlee. I opened everyone else's gifts, which was other Patriots and Red Sox stuff, similar to the things I already had. After eating the birthday cake Ashlee gotten me, it was already a little bit passed three.
"We need to go. Is there a bag I can put this in?" I asked Ashlee, and she hands me a bag. I put my birthday gifts in it, and lead her to the car.
"Hope you had a nice birthday party, Bradley!" Ashlee's Mom called after me, but I ignored her since I was in a rush. I put my stuff in the back, and start the car.
"Did you enjoy your birthday party Bradley?" Ashlee wondered.
"Yeah I did, thank you for that." I say, and kiss her cheek. I parked in the driveway behind four other vehicles, noticing my family was all here. I opened the car door for Ashlee, leading her into my house. I walked in to find my sisters were in the living room, all chatting.
"Hey Bradley, happy birthday!" They greeted, coming over to give me a hug.
"Thanks Madison,Mackenzie,and Jessica." I greeted back, realizing they were hugging me tightly. They luckily let go, and insisted mom needed me in the kitchen. Everyone was trying to make my birthday special today. They didn't need to do all this, seriously. I wouldn't even care if they had a cardboard cake for my birthday as long as they tried their best. It was fine.
"We are making your special birthday dinner!" Aunt Pam exclaimed, who was in the kitchen making food with mom.
"You guys seriously don't need to do all this." I insisted. I even remembered Mama Leigh and the rest of them were planning a reservation at this thing for my birthday too. I'm just going everywhere for my birthday,aren't I?
I took a hold of Ashlee's hand,and we sat together in the living room. What was funny is that the Patriots were playing for my birthday. Right now,they were winning 35-17.
"How is your special day going so far Bradley?" Grandpa Perry asked.
"It's going great,Grandpa." I answered.
"I notice you brought your girlfriend over for your birthday too." Grandpa noticed, smiling. He really liked Ashlee for my girlfriend because she reminded him of Grandma when they were little. I had to admit, she did. She was beautiful, quiet, mature, and not to mention the sweetest girl on earth. Just a replica of Grandma,basically. For my birthday, Mom and Aunt Pam were cooking steak, with scalloped potatoes, risotto,rice,corn,and pasta. My favorite dinner of all time.
"Is it okay if I can cook the risotto?" Ashlee asked Mom, going into the kitchen.
"Um, sure. You know how to cook risotto?" Mom asked.
"Yeah I do. It's really easy to make." Ashlee answered. I noticed she whispered something to Mom, who nodded her head in response. Ashlee cooks the risotto, and I wish Ashlee was sitting here with me. I could even smell how good it was from here in the living room, all the way into the kitchen. I came into the kitchen, wrapping my arm around Ashlee's waist, resting my head on her shoulder. I inhaled the smell of risotto,thinking how good it was turning out. Ashlee smiles when I did this to her,not saying anything. I noticed she was done cooking the risotto, and the rest of the food was done cooking. Now all we had to do was eat then open gifts. Mom made my favorite cake too which was: Lemon Cake. I loved that along with Red Velvet. Yum..
"Your risotto is really good,Ashlee." Dad praised.
"Thanks." She smiled.
"How long have you been cooking for?" Aunt Pam asked.
"I've been cooking since I was 13." Ashlee answered.
"Wow, then you must have experiences with cooking then. What else can you make?" Mom asked.
"I'm really good at making tacos,pasta,and all kinds of sweets." Ashlee admitted. We finished eating dinner, and the cake, then it was time to open my birthday presents.
"Don't forget about the reservations with our Duncan family." I reminded Ashlee jokingly, and she nods.
"You're going to enjoy your present. I'm saving it for the last." Ashlee said, smiling. Okay, I really wanted to open her present now.
"Time to open gifts!" Mom exclaimed, informing everyone. I opened my sisters gift first, which was some new cologne.
"Now you can wear that for your dates with Ashlee." Jessica joked, and we all laughed.
"Thanks. It's about time I needed some new cologne." I agreed. Time passes by when I opened everyone else's gift. To be honest, I wasn't looking forward to everyone else's as much unlike Ashlee's present for me. I wanted to open it now. Luckily, there was one more present.
"That's mine." Ashlee confirmed, handing it over to me. It was a big box. I notice she started smiling, which I had a feeling this was going to make her happy. I tear off the wrapping paper, and get ready to open the presents. I gotten out a shirt, which said on the front,"I'm forever a Boston fan," with Red Sox logos and Patriots logos everywhere. I noticed on the back it said,"Number One Boston fan."
"Thanks Ashlee." I smiled, giving her a kiss.
"There's more Bradley." Ashlee pointed out.
I gotten out another shirt, which was a Red Sox jersey with my last name on the back. It said,"Perry," with a big 23 below it.
"Aww thanks Ashlee." I thanked. I came across a Red Sox otter box for my phone, which was funny cause Jake got a Patriots Otterbox for me.
I then come across a homemade card, which was the cutest card I've ever received.
"Aww, look at that." I laughed.
"Homemade cards are the best." Madison said. I opened the card, noticing two Red Sox tickets, and two plane tickets inside the card.
"You got me Red Sox tickets for Worldseries 8?" I asked Ashlee, smiling as wide as can be.
"Our first Red Sox game, and we are touring Boston too." Ashlee smiled.
"Yes! Thanks Ashlee." I thanked, giving her a big hug.
"Aww,how cute." Mom said as we hugged.
"I got one for myself too." Ashlee smiled when we let go. I couldn't stop smiling. After a little while of saying goodbye to my family members, Ashlee and I headed out. I couldn't wait to tell Jason what an incredible girlfriend I had.
"How did I get so lucky to have you?" I say as I drove us to Bruno's.
"You deserve it. You know,you're very special to me,Bradley," Ashlee reminded,"its just, I always wanted to do this for you,and now I can. You don't know how happy I am that I got these gifts for you." I pulled into the Bruno's parking lot, and parked next to Mama Leigh's car.
"Well," I started,"I can't wait to go to Boston with you. I always wanted to show one of my girlfriend's what Boston looked like." I remember Sabrina didn't really do this for me when we were dating..
We gotten out of the car, and into Bruno's. It was actually pretty cold in here, so I put on my jacket. I found Mama Leigh and them way over in the back, leading Ashlee toward the table they were at.
"Bradley you're here! Happy birthday." Mama Leigh gives me a hug followed by the rest of the cast.
"Hi Mama Leigh." I greeted, happy to see her. I realized it's been a while since we've all seen each other, and now I was glad we were seeing each other.
"Who is this pretty girl?" Bridgit asked.
"Oh,this my girlfriend Ashlee." I introduced.
"Nice to meet you Ashlee." Everyone greeted, giving her a hug also. Aww, how cute. She was fitting in with our Duncan family already! Then there was precious Mia,who sits on my lap as we sat down to the table.
"Your pwetty." Mia complimented Ashlee.
"Aww thank you." Ashlee smiled.
"So Bradley," Jason says,"what did you get for your birthday?"
"I got Red Sox tickets to Worldseries 8, my own Red Sox jersey, and a Red Sox case for my phone." I answered, smiling at Ashlee who was talking to Mia.
"She knows you well dude." Jason said.
"I know. And I'm very thankful to have her." I smiled, taking a hold of Ashlee's free hand. Our pizza comes, which was very big.
"Oh waitress, we have a birthday." Eric called.
"Don't you dare Eric-" Before I could say anything, the waitress and everyone else started saying happy birthday to me.
"Really guys?" I laughed and the waitress sets a crown on top of my head. What a great birthday. Ashlee got along great with the Good Luck Charlie cast, received the best birthday presents ever from my friends and family, and met wonderful fans for my birthday too. After dropping Ashlee off, I went upstairs to my room and tweeted fans like old times again, replying to their birthday tweets for me. Now I can get to show Ashlee what Boston looked like and going to a Worldseries game. As I started resting my eyes, I fell asleep,dreaming about Ashlee's first Red Sox game, and how it would turn out. I had to say though: this was the best birthday I've ever had in my entire life.

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