XLVIII)Out of mind

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(13 chapters ago I said that the end would be in a few chapters. I obviously lied to you and to myself too.)

Later, when I was sure he had left, I went back to my room. His staff were gone. Again, it was only my bed that had sheets. Only my desk was occupied, only my dresser in use. Everything looked like before. Like this whole shit never happened. Like he never came into my life...

I stopped smoking when my brother, friends and... him were back, but I hid one of the boxes just in case. It was hidden on the top of my dresser, next to the wall, so no one could see it. I got on the chair and reached for it. When I got it, I sat on my bed. My bed was again next to the window like in the bounty. I opened the window so the rest of the team wouldn't know what I was doing. I opened a box and saw a little paper in it.
"Darling, you shouldn't be smoking, but don't worry, I won't tell anyone;)" like your secret?!
I crumpled up the paper and threw it out the window. I took one of the cigarettes and lighted it. I was looking through the window.

The house was next to the forest and the view from our...MY room had a look at it. I was looking at the half-dark forest as the sun was going down. I started crying again. I can't control it at all at this point. I hate it. I finished my cigarette and threw it out. I leaned on the window frame and looked at the sunset. It reminded me of him. And I hate that. Every fucking thing reminds me of him. I'm so pathetic right now. I always said I would never cry over a boy, and now look at me. I wish he had never got out of the cursed realm. I wish he had never come to the bounty. I wish I had never kissed him. I wish I had never met him. I want to forget him and everything about him.

Maybe I could... I went to the door and opened them and looked to see if someone was near. I closed them. I put on my suit and jumped through the window. I had to be fast, before anyone realizes I was not at home. I was running towards Ninjago city, going to one specific place. I was In front of Mystake's tea shop. I walked in and the thing above the door made a sound. She immediately got out of her room to see who was walking into her tea shop.
"Aah, young master of wind. I was expecting you." I looked at her confused. I don't know who more pisses me off with wisdom, her or Wu.
"You were?"
"Yes, you realized that one of your closest people lied to you and now you want them gone."
"I don't want him gone." I didn't show any emotions on my face. Why would I react like I cared after what he had done?
"I didn't mean dead, dear, you want him gone out of your mind." Hope was building inside of me.
"You can do that?"
"I brought your friend from death, I'm sure I can erase someone's memory..." She smiled and walked back to her little room. I followed her.

"You did know our friends are alright and safe in different realm?" She nodded, "why didn't you tell us?"
"I told you they were fine, it's not my problem that you interpreted it badly by thinking of your friends in prison." She said smiling. Female Wu. She went over to some shelves and grabbed a little box. "I know he hurt you a lot, but are you sure you want to forget him? Every nice memory that you have?"
"I'm sure, those memories became bad after I found out what he had done."
"I'm just making things sure." She took a spoon and content of the box put in the boiling water. "I have to tell you that, there is a way of returning your memory..."
"Wait, don't tell me. I don't want to know."
"Are you sure dear? I mean you won't remember it after all..."
"No, I don't want to know just in case." She nodded and handed me over the tee. "You have to drink it all at once so it can work."

I was looking at the tea. Am I doing the right thing?
"I won't forget anyone else, besides him?"
"No, just make sure while you drink it you think of him."
"Will I remember him at all? Like will I know who was master before me?"
"You'll know as much as you knew before you met him. Only your interaction and feelings towards him will be erased." What if he gets hurt? You'll know it. If he gets hurt, you'll get his powers and you will definitely tell Jay about it and if you lose them they'll know how to return them. Okay. So here we go. I drank the tea and nothing happened. I looked at Mystake.
"I'm sorry I can't remember what you were talking about..." She smiled. Why is she smiling? I just zoned out...
"You came here to talk with me about my teas." I nodded. I did? God, I have gone crazy.

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