Chapter 91 Final Goodbyes Part 2

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(Davis is still wearing the gift Shino got him cuz he broke his visors beyond repair)

+With Ronin. Again+

Ronin's assistant wrote down the message Davis had given them. They got a hold of his personal phone and walked up to his desk where Ronin was currently swamped with stacks and stacks of paperwork.. No-one tells you about this side of running an agency.

"Mr. Ronin. I called that fan-boy as you asked me to. He's left you a message along with 27 missed calls and 3 voicemails on your personal phone."

"Read out the message to me"

"He said 'thanks and sorry for the all years from Davis Ramirez. His ex-fanboy and apparently ex-son too.' And those are his exact words sir"

*Kid...* Ronin thought and guilt instantly filled his gut and head. "Give me my phone"

"Here you are sir". They handed him his phone.

Ronin stood up and walked outside. He walked outside to the alleyway next to his building and played the messages from Davis.

"Hey..Ro-Dad. it's Davis. Call me back when you get the chance. I'm leaving tomorrow and its been a while since Ive seen you. I get that you're busy with hero work but it would be nice to see my dad one last time before I leave... probably for good...Anyway just call me back. Please Tazu. I kinda wanted to talk to you before we left...."

"Davis..oh kid it completely slipped my mind." He heard the pain and genuine sadness in Davis' tone of voice when he said those words.

"Hey Dad, it's me again. Please I need to talk to you. I need you. I-i don't want to end this on a bad note so we never speak again. Please call me back or just surprise me and everyone and come to dorm 3. Look. I'm sorry if Ive been a burden to you or worried you to death with some stupid shit I've done...I just want you to know it was nice to know someone cared about me and looked at me the way you did..."

Ronin could hear Davis sigh, like he was losing hope in receiving any response from these. Like he was giving up on Ronin similar to how Ronin gave up on him. Weird how that works isn't it...?

"The way I looked at him. He noticed that. I'm not surprised he sees things others don't.." Ronin said to himself, smiling sadly at the memories that come to mind.

"Hey's me...again. sorry if I'm bothering you but- fuck me why am I even doing this...I bet he just felt sorry for me because he found out I was Manolo's kid over anyone else's. I'm sorry I've been such a burden to you and everyone else. I'm sure you'll be glad to never see me again after today. Thank you for trying your best to protect me but it's time this lil bird learned to fly and never came home. I will always be glad that I was your student when I was."

"No kid. I promise that wasn't the reason. I saw something in you that day. You were the only student in the class to actually listen to anything I said. I'll miss you till the day I can see you again then I'll miss you even more than before. I have to go to him..." Ronin said to himself. His assistant came down to check up on him. He had a lot of work to get done.

"Sir, you're needed inside."

"I need to go"

"Sir, you need to forget about the fan-boy and concentrate on finding and jailing Zander and Victor. You remember what they did don't you?"

"Do you know who you're speaking to?"

"Sir, I'm just saying. That boy on the phone was a waste of my time. He was incredibly rude and an utter freak. He's such a freak I bet he has some sob story about how he killed his only family and was shunned by society" They laughed at their own comment even though it absolutely pissed off Ronin. They didn't know that was his son they were talking shit about.

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