Chapter 86 Watching His Truama. Part 1

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"You deserved this"

"Oh I bet i did. But I think you deserved all the shit my son-in-law put you through as well"

"You don't even know what the fuck he did to me, how could you?"

"Of course I do. Didn't anyone tell you?"

"What the fuck are you on about?"

"I was the mastermind behind all of it."

"What the fuck did you just say...?"

"I am the one who orchestrated All Of It! The only thing I didn't expect was for you to go on a killing spree"

"I will never admit defeat to you!"

"I know but I have a feeling you will"

he lost his upper hand within seconds, they stared at him as he got punched in the face and knocked backwards.

"You know you may have freed my henchmen but luckily for me, not you. Two of them are loyal to me and only me." He snapped his fingers and two men in black came into the room.

"Thank you gentlemen, oh I'm gonna have so much fun beating the absolute shit out of you"

"You won't get away with this"

He-Boss harshly grabbed Davis' face.
"Oh but don't you see, I already have. It's pathetic to be honest, you thought you actually stood a fucking chance. against ME?!"

He-Boss punched Davis in the face a couple of times.

"Never!...Ive...been...through....much...fucking....worse" Davis headbutted him.

He grabbed Davis' neck, squeezing it tightly, choking him.  One of his men pulled his hair, making his head go backwards.

"Do your worst, I fucking dare you"

He-Boss snapped his fingers. Both of his men pulled his hair harshly, forcing his head back further.


"Ah ah ah. Now we can't allow that can we?" Then he punched him. He purposefully kneed him in the stomach as well making Davis crouch over.
"At least you tried but no one's coming for you"

"You know they all say that"


He-Boss kneed in the stomach again. And again. Until Davis started coughing up blood.


"Pink get my you know what and my other you know what." He slapped Davis and punched his face and stomach

Pink came back into the room with a crowbar and a small dagger.

"Let's do some real damage, shall we?"
He hit his crowbar into Davis' side.

"Come on just one little scream of your agony"

"I've still..been..through...much....fucking.
..worse..fucker" Davis said after spitting out a bunch of blood, "You're....a....fucking..coward...."

"What the fuck did you just say to me"


"How the fuck am I the fucking coward"


"You think I won't make eye contact with you while I beat you to death." He-Boss snapped his fingers and Green walked up behind Davis, pulled his hair again, forcing his head to stay still then he swung the crowbar, hitting him in the stomach really fucking hard. He used his small dagger to cut a scar over his eye. He pressed the dagger against Davis' neckwhile making eye contact. Davis activated his mind control and looked in him eyes. His telekinesis started going crazy. He knocked him back against a wall, he used most of his energy to unbend the mental that was around him and drop it ontop of He-Boss.

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