Chapter 70 Trying To Fix Another Mistake

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*I think Davis is gonna be happy about this*

"I should go make sure he's still asleep" Ronin said to himself. He put the frame somewhere higher up where Davis couldn't see so he can't just use his quirk to get it down. Ronin could barely reach it while standing on a chair so hopefully Davis won't be able to see it.

*I'm probably gonna have to show Davis those emails. God fucking damn it kid..*

Ronin quietly opened Davis' door and checked if Davis was still asleep or if he had woken up.

"davis...." He whispered

Davis was still asleep. Luckily he hasn't woken (yet) up from the conversations.

Ronin left his room, closing the door quietly as he could behind him and went into his own room, "I wonder where Rain is these days" he said to himself. Ronin got changed into comfortable clothes. He got out his phone and was about to open his emails again to reread and investigate them but he got a Live News Broadcast. He opened it and listened to it carefully.

(It is a school day but Ronin doesn't have any classes until the night time)

"Welcome to the Live News Broadcast. We apologize for interrupting your TV shows but this is something you'll want to hear-"

Ronin put in his headphones and turned up the live.

"We are currently at The City's National Airport and take a look at who is in that air tight glass cage"

(Similar to the one Bucky was trapped in, in Captain America Civil War)

The drone flew right up in his face, the camera changed to the drones footage. Rain had his eyes closed and he looked fairly calm. Then the drone backed off and the footage changed back to the cameras man's.

"If you couldn't tell who it is. It is The Rain. You heard me correctly, in the police's custody we have the insane super villain Rain"

Ronins eyes widened and his eyebrows furrowed. His face darkened. "What the... actual fuck......?"

"He's here because he's being shipped off to Japan where he will spend the rest of his natural life in a maximum security prison where quirks are cancelled."

"The rumor is he is letting us do this to keep his friends safe. What kind of monster like him still has friends" The News Reporter laughed.

Rain's eyes shot open. And he growled.

"Why don't we try to get his final words before he's transferred onto the plane."

The news reporter and the camera man approached the cage, the reporter held hism ic up against the glass cage.

"Do you have last words to your so-called friends, Monster"

Rain hesitated for a moment before speaking.
"Kreig and Visors. I hope you both stay safe. Stay alive cuz I'll be back"

"And there you have it, Goodbye and see you never Monster aka Rain"

Little did Ronin know Kat spam texted Davis even though she was in class at this time, and it woke him.

Davis: what's with the spam of links.
Kat: were you asleep or something
Davis: yes. Actually I was. What are the links
Kat: Rain got fucking deported. To Japan. Apprantly he let them.
Davis: I know.
Kat: and how would you know
Davis: he showed up here a while ago and told me.
Kat: his last words before the cameras cut were 'Kreig and Visors. I hope you both stay safe. Stay alive cuz I'll be back'
Davis: I believe that.
Kat: and you knew about this...??
Davis: like I said he came to visit me a while ago to tell me about it.
Kat: why did he come to visit you?
Davis: he needed a place to hide for the night to I let him stay here.
Kat: oh huh. I gotta go. Avian is staring me down
Kat is offline.
Davis is offline.

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