Dan and I, alongside our entire office team, worked around the clock to find a solution. We knew that our company was on the brink of ruin. I couldn't let my mistakes destroy everything we had worked so hard to achieve.


It had been a week since we learned about the scam, and there were already whispers circulating about our company's potential failure. We needed to find a solution quickly.

Neither I nor Dan had returned home in the past week, and many of our employees were in the same boat. Sleep and proper meals had become scarce commodities as we all worked tirelessly to discover a way out of this situation. Unfortunately, everything we tried seemed to lead to a dead end. Those responsible for the scam were exceptionally skilled and had cut us off from various avenues.

During this tumultuous period, Sarah called me initially, but I reassured her that it was business-related and not to worry. She didn't complain and continued to provide her support.

One day, there was a knock on my office door as Dan and I were engrossed in reviewing documents for any possible clues.

"Come in," I said without glancing up to see who it was, fully absorbed in our investigation.

When I received no response from the person who had entered, I finally looked up.

Her smiling face had an almost magical effect, and I found myself smiling automatically without even realising it. It had been a week since a smile had graced my face, something I couldn't help.

Daniel noticed my smile and looked up from the file he was perusing. He seemed perplexed as he inquired, "Why are you smiling? Did you find something?"

I didn't respond to him because, at that moment, I just needed the sense of tranquility that Sarah brought with her. My mind was exhausted from the relentless challenges we faced. When I didn't reply, Dan turned his gaze toward the door and said, "Oh, hello Sarah."

She broke our eye contact, and she greeted Dan with a friendly "hello." I turned to Sarah and asked, "Why are you here, Sarah?" I couldn't fathom why she might be visiting us.

She smiled at me, moving closer to my desk and placing a bag on the table. She said, "I brought you some food. I know you probably haven't been eating properly."

"Well, we... uh... we are eating, Sarah. You didn't have to do all this. I told you not to worry too much; I'm okay," I said, trying to reassure her and dissuade her from going to such lengths to take care of me.

Sarah, however, paid no heed to my words. She proceeded to open the food containers she had brought and cheerfully continued, "Eli told me you'd be stubborn and not eat, so I brought some cookies as well." Her eyes sparkled as she unveiled a box filled with cookies.

I couldn't help but smile at her thoughtfulness. Sarah remembered my preferences and brought food with COOKIES, while I don't even answer her phone the whole week or had only replied in one word. I was so busy in work that I ignored everyone else, even her.

Daniel's face lit up at the mention of 'cookies,' and he couldn't contain his excitement. He sprang up from his seat, saying, "Cookies? Did you bake them?" He didn't even wait for her response but grabbed one from the box and eagerly devoured it.

"Umm..Thank you, Sarah. You're a lifesaver. If it were up to Alexie here, he'd have let me starve until we found something useful," Dan remarked, and Sarah smiled warmly in response.

IIt had been a week since I'd seen Dan in such high spirits or heard him call me "Alexie." His mood had been solemn and focused throughout. Sarah truly was my "Little Dove" who brought happiness and peace wherever she went.

The Arrangement Factor (ARRANGEMENT SERIES #1)Where stories live. Discover now