"But your breakfast?" I hesitantly asked

"I usually don't eat breakfast or eat at office, and chef had already made my coffee, so all set I think." He said casually making he release a breath I didn't know I was holding all along.

"ohh okay." was all I said

"Listen, I am sorry but I need to go to the office today, it was an off I know but there is this new company from foreign and they are only available today. Hope you don't mind me leaving just after our marriage?" he said apologetically

"No-no it's ok, I know work is important." I said assuring. Also dad always said that work is way more important than anything. Moreover I don't want to anger him by stopping him or anything.

"Thank you." he said with a smile on his face.

He was walking out of the room when he stopped in his tracks and turned to me and asked "Will you go out on a dinner with me tonight."

"uhh, is it a business dinner or something?" I asked nervously as my father never takes me or mom out for dinner unless it is some business or something important like that.

If it was a business dinner then I need to find something good to wear because it will be my first dinner with his circle as his wife and he would want me to make a good impression on them and not embarrass him in front of others, like mom says I do for my father that's why they don't take me on work dinners and only she accompanies him.

"What? NO. Just you and me like a.. uh... couple?" He asked not sure of what to say.

Like a couple, just us?? Why would he take me out on a dinner and waste his money on me if its not a work related dinner? Shouldn't he be asking Emily?

This thought made me sad and I remembered last night and everything she said and what happened. He said he could never Love.

I realised I didn't reply him so he said "If you are not comfortable it's ok. I'll understand if you're still hurt because of yesterday and don't wanna talk to me. I just wanted to apologise to you properly." he said but his voice and face had a hint of sadness in it.

Was he sad that I don't want to go on dinner with him? But why will he be? He has so many people especially girls dying to go on a dinner with him then why would he want me in the first place to go out with him?

"No, I didn't mean that. I'll come." I said smiling at him, I can't see him upset and I don't even know why. And as I told you already I can't say no to people and no way I can make anyone sad or upset. I hate it when people are sad because of me.

He smiled at me with joy in his eyes and said in a cheerful voice "Okay then, be ready by 8 I'll pick you up from estate?"

I smiled at him and nodded. Seeing him smile make me want to smile.

Then he left for his office and I went into the bathroom and did my morning routine and got ready. Since I took few days off from college, because I thought it would be easy to settle down first and unpack. But most of my things were already unpacked and arranged in closets, drawers and shelves which were not much as I only keep things that are of use and I don't like wasting money.

I went downstairs to cook breakfast for me, Eli and William. But when I entered kitchen Eli was already sitting at one of the kitchen counters and ordering 3 or 4 people who were running around as per her instructions. It looked like she was controlling them by strings like puppets.

"Good morning Eli" I said to her smiling at her

She turned around and on seeing me she stood from her stool and came to me and hugged me. "A very good morning to you too Sarah. How are you feeling now?"

The Arrangement Factor (ARRANGEMENT SERIES #1)Where stories live. Discover now