"Goodbye grandma"

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Hello everyone! Today's a second part, however I feel like it is more of a final than the next one. I don't know if you suspect anything, but sad events(not to spoiler anything) are involved so feel warned that it may be a tearjerker for some of you. For now, I hope you won't kill me at the end

Back home, Penny avoided Sam as much as she could, although that evening, when Sam was about to leave to Reilynn's room, Penny could no longer hold back her tears. However, Sam himself could not look at it idly. He could see that nothing was well after Penny's return, even though she denied everything. He spent the entire day with Reilynn, allowing Penny to avoid him. But Sam secretly kept an eye on her the whole time.

"Shh, shh," Sam tried to calm Penny down, stepping back and pulling her to him. He stroked her back until she stopped shivering and crying. "Everything will be fine," he whispered, kissing the top of his wife's head.

Sam stayed with Penny until she fell asleep, then, leaving the door open, he reluctantly retired to Reilynn's room.

The next few weeks passed quickly. After Sally was discharged from hospital, she temporarily left her small studio apartment in Newtown to become Sophie's roommate. Penny went to Sophie's house every day to take care of her grandmother. When Sam was on shift, she took Reilynn for a walk. The little one could spend some time with her aunt, and Penny's grandma was happy to welcome her great-granddaughter too. Everything seemed to be going in the right direction.

But every time Penny's phone rang, it was obvious that she immediately became nervous. Every time Sam tried to be there for her, as much as she would allow that.

Sam had witnessed many times how she gave up in the evening and, hidden from him and Reilynn, cried.

The day she came back from the hospital she was in a bad mood. He wasn't surprised at all. She hardly spoke and sat quietly until it was two in the afternoon.

"Knock, knock. May I?" He asked, knocking on their open bedroom door. You'd have to be blind not to realize by Penny's behavior that she wanted to be alone. Sam suspected that his wife had left the door ajar out of habit.

"Sure," Penny replied weakly, looking up from her book. She gave him a weak smile, but the sparkle in her eyes was noticeably dim.

"Reilynn fell asleep," Sam began simply. He tested the ground so that he could retreat quickly.

"Thanks, Sam. I don't feel like thinking about it today," she admitted, lowering her eyes again.

"How's your grandma?" Sam risked a question, but fortunately he didn't get hit by the book.

"The doctor said her condition was stable. But..." she hesitated, her eyes glistening with tears. "I'm just afraid..." she lowered her shoulders in helplessness, but she couldn't finish because she was interrupted by sobbing. Sam immediately put his arm around her and hugged her tightly. He rubbed Penny's back until she calmed down enough to talk. "It's time for you to go."

"Maybe I'd better call Steele and tell him what the situation is?" Now Sam was the one hesitating.

"Go take your mind off it," Penny looked into his eyes. "You have your responsibilities and I have mine," she argued stubbornly, standing up and pushing Sam towards the door. "I know you wanted to go to work. You used to barely make it through one shift off," she joked, kissing him on the cheek at goodbye.

It was obvious that Penny was doing her best not to show fear. After a few weeks, the old Penny even came back. Everything was going in the right direction. Her grandmother slowly recovered, although her speech was still slurred. Sam even managed to pay her a visit along with Reilynn and Penny. At that time, there was no indication that fortune was turning.

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