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Hi everyone! I'm coming back to myself in writing, so I'll try to uploud a lot. This one-shot is diffrent than the one I had in mind. My version was diffrent, but it suits here more;) Have a nice reading!

After a long evening of discussion, Penny finally made her mind to meet her mother at Newtown today. She has got a day off, although she has got a night shift, so it couldn't take her too long in Newtown. When Sam went to work, she took her bagpack, put on the jeans jacket and walked to the bus stop. Not too long time later Trevor arrived and Penny noticed, when she came inside the bus and took a seat, that she wasn't the only one who wanted to go to Newtown.

When Trevor's bus stopped on the bus stop, Penny led her steps to the centre park of Newtown, where she should meet with her mother. She went the path under the high to the sky oaks and sat on the bench under the younger one next to the pond. She remebered the park from years she used to spent her free time efore or after the school, taking rest from her parents stupidness. She looked at the flat at the other side of pool. There was a place when she walked first when she ran away from her parents, she ran to her best friend and then it all changed when she ended Newtown Fire Academy. Few years in Newtown and now she was happy in Pontypandy.
It was so strange how the two cities were diffrent, mostly of their sizes and people living there. In Newtown people didn't know each one one another and in Pontypandy everyone knew everyone.
Penny checked on her watch the time to see it is nine o'clock. To her expectation her mother was slowly going in her direction as punctual as usual. She worn dark blue dress and her heir was shorter than the one Penny remembered. When she reached her daughter, she forced a smile, but Penny knew what stood behind it, she has got her academy shirt on herself. Penny stood up and smiled too, but took a step back when her mother tried to hug her. She looked hurt, but Penny didn't want to give her such satisfaction at the beginning.

"Nice to see you, Penelope" someone said and from behind a tree a tall man with as blonde as Penny's hair showed. Penny's eyes widened in shock. Her mother broke a promise! Penny agreed for a meeting if her father wouldn't be here and he was here now and something told Penny it wasn't a coincidence.

"You promised me it will be talk in four eyes! And now, you break it!" Penny's voice broke. She didn't expect it, she really thought her mother changed, but she was wrong. She turned around and, hurt, walked away to the bridge without turning back.

"Penny, please, talk with us!" Her mother shouted after her, but Penny want to neither to look back nor hear it.

When she reached the bridge, she leaned on railing, feeling how tears tried to fight their ways out. She looked at the river and it cheered her mood a little. It hurt her she couldn't talk with her mother, but she betrayed her, so it was her fault. She heard her phone rang in her pocket, she picked up the call from Ellie.

"Do you want me to pick you up from Newtown?" Ellie asked by the speaker.

"No, thanks, I will be back in fire station by bus later" Penny answered briefly and weakly.

"Roger that, Penny" Ellie joked and Penny was sure, even without seeing her best friend, she was smiling teasingly. "Has something happened?" She changed the topic, asking Penny worriedly. She knew her as good as Sam, and due to that fact it was a bit complicated sometimes.

"My mother broke the promise" Penny sighed.

"She didn't come?" Ellie asked.

"Rather she came with my father too" Penny announced.

"I see" Ellie mumbled. "But maybe it is an opportunity for you to clarify everything. Give it a try. If I were you, I'd try. You will feel better I tell you" Ellie advised.

"You think?"

"Penny, I'm your best friend, I wouldn't advise you anything bad" Ellie assured and excused Penny when the fire bell rang in the background. Penny disconnected herself and slowly went to the park after encourange talk with Ellie.

When Penny went back to the park, she saw her parents were still there.
"What are you want to talk about?" Penny said dryly to her parents, who were waiting for her at the same bench she was sitting on earlier.

"Penny, we just miss you, we think we can try one more time to talk and do everything good" Penny's mother said calmy.

"Like last times?" Penny asked teasingly.

"I am so sorry about what I had been saying before. I and your mother worry about you" Penny's father looked for forgiveness in his daughter's eyes, but he rather saw a surprise.

"Really?" Penny asked confused.

"After such a long time I accept your choice of work, but I still think it is kind of too dangerous for you."

"Too dangerous. Are you joking dad?" Penny raised her eyebrow in disbelief. She didn't expect either she would have heard this words from her father or she would have called her father dad.

"No, belive me, daughter, although we didn't show it earlier you are very important for us" Penny's mother assured.

"Earlier?! By my whole childhood and teenagehood! Have you thought it was easy for me?!" Penny was by a short moment speechless, but it turned into slight anger. She couldn't belive her ears, the words of her parents were shaken her totally and she didn't know what to think now. After all they were their parents no matter what, nothing could change it. Penny wanted to make better contact with them when she moved to Pontypandy, but it was unsuccessful, so she gave up and left it as it was. Now the chance for change was knocking to her door, but she didn't know what to choose: let her parents back to her life or leave it on seperation. "So know it was unbearable!" Penny broke. She couldn't hold it anymore. She wasn't sure if she took good step, but something told her her parents in this case hhve gone to their heads for reason. Penny didn't expected that she would cry, but this tears were running from her hurt young years, so she had no power to fight against them, and to Penny's more surprise her parents gave her a hug and it was as warm as she used to imagine as a little girl.

"Shh, we are so sorry, have you ever forgiven us, Pen?" Penny's father begged. Penny free herself from their hug and thoughfully nodded her head. She had no other choice now. She felt like their parents needed her and she had a feeling she would need them as well in the future. So she decided to forget about past mistakes.

"So tell us what has changed in your...?" Penny's mother tried to ask something, but a loud clear of throat interrupted her. Then from their backs an old lady with a hat on her shoulder-lenght, gray hair came.

"Is it how I had raised you, Victoria?" She asked sceptically Penny's mother, her daughter. Victoria shook her head and let the woman first. "Ignore them, sweety, I'm the one who is the most curious what has happened, because in our letters it sounds interesting" she gave Penny a hug and this time Penny accepted it with big smile. She kept in contact with the woman only by letters and she has been telling her all the truth since the first one. "I wait in suspence to meet that Samuel someday" she whispered into Penny's ear.

"Nice to see you again too, grandma Sally" Penny left it only in that comment. Her parents haven't known anything yet and she would rather tell it them personally than by her grandmother's little gossiping passion.

"So what has changed, Pen?" Penny's father repeat his wife's question. "We heard it is a bit" he added over his nose.

"William, give Penny time!" Penny's mother commented pretending anger.

"In my opinion, it is perfect time, isn't it, granddaughter?" Sally said cheerfully.

"What does my mother-in-law mean, Penelope?" William asked sternly.

"It is now I'm not alone anymore" Penny confessed, blushing.

Fireman Sam SAM&PENNY ONE-SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now