Pillow battle

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"Hi, uncle Sam! Hi, Penny!" Sarah and James greeted us, when Sam opened the door and let the twins in. "What are we going to do?"

"I thought that maybe you would want to play with Radar" Sam suggested thoughfully.

"Radar is with you, uncle?" Sarah asked in disbelief.

"For a while Penny is going to take him back to the fire station, but he is still here right now" Sam smiled when Sarah and James ran to the garden and was pulled to the ground by Radar. Penny handed Sarah Radar's favourite ball and she throw it to him, exchanging with James. It gave the twins so much joy as well as Sam and Penny when they were watching it all from behind, holding their hands. They didn't notice that the twins stopped playing with Radar and looked at them directly.

"I've been telling you they are a couple since uncle Sam came with Penny to us at dad's dinner" Sarah whispered proudly to James.

"It is impossible, Sarah. They are just best friends" James pretended his uncle's voice.

"Better look. They are holding hands" Sarah didn't give up.

"That means nothing."

"You are wrong here, brother. That means a lot."

"If you think so" James shrugged his shoulders. "So ask them if you are so sure" James crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"I'll do. I ask uncle Sam later" she announced.

"You are scared I am right and you aren't."

"No, I'm not" Sarah argued.

"Are you argueing again?" Sam asked sceptically, shaking his head in disbelief how fast his brother's children starts the fights.

"No, we're not" they looked at the ground.

"I think it is time for me and Radar to go" Penny said, slapping Radar's back. They went to the gate and waved for a brief goodbye and they disappeared.

"Can we watch the film, uncle Sam?" Sarah asked, jumping in her uncle's pulled out arms.

"Alright, let's do it" Sam agreed, following children to the living room. Sarah and James chose their favourite film, which they gave their father last Christmas, so he would always have it when they would be with him. Sam turned on The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride and sat on the sofa when Sarah and James lied next to him, one of each side. They sang quietly the first song, which was one of their favourites, He Lives In You and after it, Sarah looked at James meaningfully and looked at her uncle.

"Uncle Sam, has something changed?"

"What do you mean, Sarah?" Sam looked at her confused.

"Since your and dad's dinner."

"I still don't understand what you mean" Sam felt uncomfrotable right now. He was sure he was blushing. He used to say Sarah is very smart girl and that can cause her trouble sometimes, just like now. Sam knew too well what his niece meant, but he wanted to play with her a little. He suspected it together with Penny children curiousness won this time.

"Don't be silly, uncle. I know you know what I mean" Sarah tickled her uncle. Sam stopped her with his right arm and rubbed her hair with his left hand.

"Can we watch the film now?" Sam asked innocently.

"When you answer my question" Sarah said stubbornly.

"But how can I answer when I don't know what you ask about?" Sam shrugged his shoulder.

"About you and Penny, uncle Sam" James said annoyed.

"James!" Sarah and Sam shout in agreement at the same time.

"What? You didn't find a courage to ask straight, so I did it as you" James said to his sister. "And what about you, uncle Sam?"

"You won. Yes, something has changed in case you wanted to know" Sam nodded his head.

"But..." Sarah wanted to ask something more, but James interupted her with cough. Then they in silence watched the rest of film and noone of them noticed when they fall in calm sleep.

Meanwhile Penny tried to escape from Ellie's curious questions. But as it always was, it was hopeless job, because Ellie caught her no matter what. Penny wanted to walked right back when she left Radar, but just then Ellie appeared and things became more foggy. Penny didn't have a heart to say her best friend no and walked away. So they sat and talked a little, fortunatelly for Penny, Joe and Mike tested some new invention, something went bad and it caught and caused fire in Flood's house. For this reason Penny found break from her and Ellie's conversation.
She gently closed front door behind her and quietly went to living room. What she saw melted her heart. Sam and twins were sleeping on the sofa, The Lion King 2 Simba's Pride was still playing, she leaned on the door frame when she noticed how Sam woke up.

"It took you a little longer, didn't it?" He asked her ironically.

"A little? More a lot longer, Ellie saw me and I couldn't escape, until the alarm bell rang. "And I missed the film as I can see" she sighed.

"An interesting argument was missed by you, too" he commented as he felt how the twins slowly woke up either.

"What are you talking about behind our backs?" Sarah asked, sounding totally awake.

"I think it's rather you two who talk behind somebody's backs, don't you?" Sam asked mischeviously.

"Can we watch one more film?" James asked.

"Of course, but with me this time" Penny joked and took out of box the next part - The Lion King 3 Hakuna Matata while Sam went upstairs to bring some blankets and pillows to build tents as they usually did at the movie evenings. When he came back, the film has already been opened, so he lied all things on floor and sat there next to Sarah.
They all began to built their tent. Sofa was the back of it, the blanket was laid on the tea table as a roof. The pillows inside and outside as a seats and as a support. Then they went inside and watched the film.

"Am I resemble him to you?" Sam asked jokingly, when they all laughed out loud at every uncle Max appearance.

When the film finally ended, James and Sarah looked at each other directly and took their pillows in their hands, then turned to Sam and Penny, who were sitting behind them all the time. Suddenly Sam and Penny felt two soft pillows on their faces. They looked briefly on each other and as a second team throw their two pillows on twins' surprised faces.

"Do you surprise that we still know what the fun is?" Sam and Penny chuckled in union. When the next turn of pillows flew in the air. After few times the roof of blankets fall down on their heads. They laughed when they tried to dig themselves. After they managed to do it they laid on their back on the blankets and pillows on the floor, laughing.

"You are not too old, you are the best" the twins looked down on their uncle and throw one last time pillows on his face.

They fought with pillows still to the time when Sarah and James began to yawn. It had to be funny, but also exhaused evening for them. So them all went to sleep. The next morning the kids ate the breakfast with Sam and Penny and Charlie came to take them home.
It used to be hard to say goodbye for Sam, because then only thing left was loneliness, but this time he has got the love of his life by his side, so he wasn't afraid to be alone one more time.

"Bye, uncle Sam! Bye, aunt Penny!" the twins told, leaving. The last two words made Sam's heart as soft as it was made of cotton. It was so amazing for him how good his niece and nephew got on well with Penny. It assured him in his decission even more.

Hi! This was a lot of fun and memories for me when I was writing this chapter. I hope you like it, despite it could be a bit monotous.
Have you ever built a tents with use of blankets, pillows, so on? Have you ever had a pillow battle? (It is just my curiousness)

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