Unlucky step

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Hello everyone! This idea was firstly suppossed to be a second part of Plan for lovers in other version, but finally now it is coming as the first part of few oneshots and let's just say it is again a plot that I feel in like a fish in the water, so I hope you'll enjoy reading and watch out tommorrow;)

"Why is Helen here? Is it because of me?" Elvis, who just walked inside the hall, asked the rest of a team. Some were sitting like Penny and Ellie and Arnold was standing beside them with an indiffrent facial expression.

The wind was blowing through the highest branches of the trees, when the morning shift started. Nobody would have guessed that today would bring this misterious message.

"Sam! Can I ask you to come?" Station Officer Steele called through the microphone. He, Sam and Penny were at the Mountain Rescue Centre and there was noone to deny that te elder man still didn't get along well with equipment there.

"Coming, sir!" Sam repeated and so he did.

It took him a while after he came back and something told Penny it was not good. He leaned on Venus 2 as he packed last supplies there and sat next to Penny.

"Sir, you're sure you don't want to come with us back to Pontypandy, aren't you?" She asked through the radio last time.

"Go, firefighter Morris. I need to check one thing at Ocean Rescue Centre, so I'm going back with Tom."

"Right, sir" she put the radio down and started the engine. Sam was still sitting in silence when Venes was slowly rolling down the road. "So you want to tell me what it was about?" She tried to tease him a little, but it ended as usual since they let the world saw their relationship. Sam leaned to her and kissed her cheek shortly. "I told you no to this at work" Penny defended, pulling her face a little further.

"Ellie is not near" Sam replied.

"Especially when I am driving" Penny pretended she didn't heard Sam last sentance. "So?" She slightly turned around to look at Sam.

"So what?"

"What Steele wanted from you?"

"Well, I need to go for a training to Cardiff. I must have forgotten I should do it" he rubbed his forehead.

"Or you were on sick leave" Penny chuckled. She remembered perfectly well how Sam was ill that few weeks ago, because it happened once for a year.

"I'll take a shift off, go to Cardiff and eend after three days I'll come back. There's no other option" Sam announced.

"And where would you spend the night then?"

"I'm more than sure that my father had already sent my uncle back. He lives in Cardiff and even close to Fire Academy. So we have a problem eliminated."

When they returned to Pontypandy, Sam went to their house and Penny walked upstairs to meet with Ellie who was calmly drinking tea this whole time.

"Is Station Officer Steele with you?" She asked like nothing at welcome.

"Nice to see you too, Ellie" Penny teased, even though she was elbowed by Ellie once more that day. "He stayed."

"I need to give him back the reports from our last few shifts..." she started to explain when other thought shone in her head. "Wait, is he going back with Sam in Venus 2?"

"No, how do you think I came back then? Flying. No" Penny argued. "Sam needed to go to Cardiff for some training he had missed by an accident and Station Officer Steele is going to come back with Tom in Wallaby 2" the two women giggled at the thought of their captain last travel in helicopter.

"Last time, I had to go for him to the Mountain Rescue Centre, because Tom denied to fly with him on the board, so today is your turn" Ellie pointed at her best friend with a mischevious smile.

"If we really had to go, we would decide then by the fate who would go" Penny argued, putting a cup to the sink as well.

"If I were you, I wouldn't put myself in such challange, because, no offence, but Station Officer Steele can complain a lot if he wants to" Ellie warned, right before the alarm bell interrupted them.

"Guinea pig Norris started the fire in the mountains near the river" the speaker announced.

Only in Pontypandy something like that could take a place, but the firefighters weren't surprised too much, so they quickly jumped into action. Jupiter was hitting the stone path in the mointains in no time. The fire wasn't so big, but even if only the animal was announced in the communication, Norman with the Jones' twins were also at the scene. Ellie and Penny quickly put out the fire with Jupiter's hoses, but some sparks fall down on the dry grass and the fire started anew, blocking the way for the children to safety. However Penny and Ellie reacted instinctivitely, even though the water that was still in Jupiter could only be enough for one hose. So Ellie tried to put the fire asleep once more while Penny found a little space, not contained by the fire yet, was broad enough for kids to pass it.
So one by one, firstly Sarah and James, later Norman who so desperately tried to keep Norris steady, that he fall on the ground. Ellie managed to put out almost whole fire, except the part nearest Penny and the kids.

"I have fire under control Penny, you can go" Ellie replied to Penny's question.

"Roger that!" And Penny slipped by the flames to get to Norman and Norris, she took the guinea pig in her arms as Norman got up on his own. Penny let him go first and nothing happen. So she quickly followed his path, but when some water hit the flames, they bursted a little bigger in result to fall asleep, but before it Penny was between them. Feeling the heat rising, she jumped forward, keeping James' guinea pig near, she rolled and found herself back on cold ground. She stood up too quick and she felt like her ankle burn. But she still could bear the pain, so she decided she would tell it later.

"Penny, you are fine?" But Ellie already saw something else, when she was putting a hose on a ground to check the kids. She pointed to Penny's arm. Penny at first thought it was only a earth from her fall, but it was red, rather a fire burn.

"We had a tough call" Ellie quickly explained to Elvis, when Helen went out of Station Officer Steele's office with children. Penny and Ellie, mostly Ellie, decided it wasn't bad idea to get them a proffessional check.

"They're alright" Helen told happily. "But Ellie told me one of you also need my help."

"You didn't do it, did you?" Penny whispered with a voice that couldn't be recognised with only one emotion, there were a little of friend's help and annoyance.

"You need to get it check, Penny" Helen asked the blond woman to come after her. "But, Ellie" she turned back for a moment "I'll see you next there too."

Fireman Sam SAM&PENNY ONE-SHOTSМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя