Force not to force

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Hello everyone! Here we go again... this chapter was once again created with help of TigerLeprechaun42 and to be honest the retrospection is the thing that change in an original idea for this chapter. The part that comes from me was beginning to develop in my mind in the winter three years agon when I came back to watching Fireman Sam and even didn' started writing yet. I was just reading and learning how to see how fanfiction work from Lisasam_x21 stories. So I guess I should dedicate this chapter to her at some point.
But I also want to thank every single one of you who was reading this;)
Have a nice day and let's see who guessed well after last one-shots

On her next shift Penny felt much better, the stomachache stopped, however the nausea kept her awake at dawn, she could handle that. Helen gave her sick leave for a week so Penny could recover. For a moment, even Penny herself seemed to believe her explanation.
When she came back to work this morning, everything was going smooth. Except that Radar was still running like mad and Penny started to wonder why always in her presence. It was really weird, but some weirder behaviour was still ahead, as always when the alarm bell rang in Pontypandy.

"Radar, stop! Where are you going, boy?" Elvis shouted trying to catch the dalmatian at the garage hall, but he hid under Jupiter and didn't want to come out.

"Did you take him to Lizzie?" Penny asked, approaching Elvis and Arnold, when she ended the check-ups in Venus.

"We did, but she said he was fit as a fiddle" Arnold explained. "She heard about such behavious for the first time in her career".

"Joe Sparkes got stuck in his submarine on the bottom of the sea" Ellie announced through the speaker, accompanied by well-known signal of fire bell.

Supposedly nothing new, a routine operation, but Penny felt how her stomach squeezed from anxiousness anyway. Even though she went on such actions countless time, today for the first time she was afraid. She was well-educated and she knew that when one's diving, the pressure outside just like inside of his body changes. And it can be harmful. Not without reason, decompression sickness is a serious one.
It was clear for Penny in one second that they were going to need a diver. But she couldn't put herself in such risk. She must quickly make up an excuse before it would be time to leave.

"Penny, you and Elvis are going" Station Officer Steele pointed to Venus, but Penny hesitated. She turned around and quickly ran to him.

"I don't think it is a good idea, sir. Helen said I should be careful still for a few days after such infection" she whispered. "Let Ellie go, sir, she needs to gain experience at the sea. She barely gets a chance" Penny asked and when her chief nodded in agreement, she shouted to the second female firefighter. "Don't put it down! You go, you deserve to develop" Penny pushed Ellie towards Venus and when her friend fastened her seatbelt, Penny closed the door behind her.

She killed the time, buring her hands in the reports. She managed to end putting them in their right places, when she heard how an engine rolled into the garage.

"How it went?" She asked, walking downstairs to meet with her co-workers.

"Firstly, Ben rescued Joe and then we had to rescue Ben" Ellie snapped, passing by Penny. "You are irreplaceable in diving" she complimented later on when they were sitting at the kitchen table. Penny took it with a smile.

"Firefighter Morris, can I ask you for a moment? We must explain something" Station Officer Steele interrupted their jokes with hisbstern tone, as he directed his gaze on Penny. She obediently followed him dowstairs to the office.

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