Illness part3

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Hi! Sorry that it was not as short time as I planned. I rewrited this oneshot perhaps one hundred times;) It is a third part of Illness with something like surprise. It's also strange to me to use the same title third time, but...:) I hope you'll like the end of Penny's infection. Good reading!

Penny woke up feeling much better. Her head stopped paining, she finally stopped shivering and she still hasn't got a fever. It was a suprise for her, because usually if she is ill, she stays ill for one week. Then she remainded herself about the lullaby Sam singing her and she fall asleep with. Perhaps it was something that it has got something to do with her infection and could truly helped her. She wasn't sure, but she wanted to belive.

Suddenly Penny realized she couldn't see Sam anywhere in the bedroom and couldn't hear him upstairs. She decided to looked for him. She stood up and walked past the corridon, looking to every room upstairs, however Penny didn't find Sam. She knew he was probably downstairs or outside but she started worring. It was ridiculous, but they are always close friends and after they confessed their feelings they have started to be more and more closer to each other.
Fortunetly she found him at the living room, holding two plates with sandwiches. He waved when he saw Penny walking to the room.

"How do you truly feel today, sweetheart?" he asked seriously but with little sparkle of joy at his eye.

"So much better. And this time I'm telling the truth" Penny answered sitting at the armchair. Sam smiled and sat oposite her at another armchair. He gave Penny the plate and then she started eating, so he did it too.

When they ended, Sam went to the kitchen so that wash the plates and bring something to drink for him and Penny. When he wasn't at the living room, Penny sat at the sofa. Then Sam sat next to her with two cups of hot tea.

"So what are we going to do? We both have got our days off today. And I don't think we can go out today"he said.

"Why?" Penny asked, looking surprised at him.

"Firstly it is going to be cloudy, may rainy. And secondly, I'm not sure this is a good idea if you were ill. I trust that you told me the truth, but if I were you, I'd stay at home today" he said quieter than before.

"I understand. Althought I don't like staying at home when I can go out, I want to spend this day at home" Penny said, laying her head on Sam's shoulder. "Maybe we'll play the game" Penny invented.

"Sure. What about... play with questions" Sam suggested.

"I'm in. But... how is it played?" she asked ashamedly.

"I'll learn you everything. You ask me everything you want and I must answer or quit, but if I quit, I end the game for me. I mean I can't ask the questions but you still can and I must answer it unless I don't quit it. Or we can simply end the game. Do you understand or am I the worst teacher on the world?" Sam asked mischievously.

"You're not the best teacher, but now I understand" Penny laugh. "So, can I start?" When Sam nodded, Penny looked straight into his as blue as peace summer sea eyes and asked "My first question, but it may won't be so easy. Have you ever had another girlfriend?"

"Did you have to start with that?" Sam said sighing. "I had one at the end of high school. Her name was Kayla West. But it didn't last long. We first met in second class, but we confessed our feelings in last class, so when we ended high school, it ended too. I haven't seen her since that. But, sincerly, I liked her as best friend, however I didn't truly love her. Always I only truly love my family, relativites and the most you, sweetheart" he said, kissing Penny's cheek. "Now it's my turn, isn't it? I wanted to start with something else, but maybe I asked it later. My question is very similiar. Have you ever had a boyfriend, not including me?" Sam asked.

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