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Hello everyone! This is a chapter that I've been holding from you for, I myself even don't know how long, but it gets only better as the story grows. And belive me you will like the outcome, but maybe not  an income;)

The last days of July were known to be extremely obnoxious by the Pontypandy firemen. Those countless forest fires kept them awake far longer than they wished. When it started finally raining, it rained and rained and there was no end of it to be seen. But after a few days of good rain at every hour, the sunny ones came back, but, fortunately, it was no sigh of fires to be seen. Maybe because Norman Price wasn't in town, or because it wasn't so dry after the raining days.

It was the end of Penny's and Sam's shift that day. They said goodbye to everyone and they quickly dissapeared behind the corner of the street. They decided to spend these day at the beach. Penny laid two blankets on warm sand, before they went to relax a little in cold sea water. When they ended splashing the water all around themselves, they sat at the blanket and took a sandwiches out of backpack. When they ate, listening to waves, Penny laid down her head on Sam's lap as he seeked resting on one of the stones behind him. And they laid like that all afternoon, Penny with her head in a book and Sam who fall asleep.
When it was time to return, Penny felt a little dizzy, that's why she blamed it on spending the entire afternoon in the sun without a hat on her head. Later at home it still didn't go away, and Sam told her that her forehead was slightly hotter. He did it before she went to take a shower, but it wasn't too good idea, because the dizziness came back. If it was a sunstore, as Penny suspected, cold water could only exacerbate the symptoms. She quickly wiped herself off and when she was ready to walk out, she went straight to the frigde to get herself a cold compress.

"It still didn't go away?" Sam asked as she sat next to him, placing a cold compress on her forehead.

"No" Penny answered briefly.

"Do you need something, sweetheart?" He asked caringly, as Penny curled up into a ball next to him.

"Thanks, Sam, but I think it's best if I go to bed" she decided after ten minutes passed, standing up and staggering up the stairs.

"As you think" Sam shrugged his shoulders. "We'll see each other tommorrow morning".

Sam checked on her a few time, before he laid down in bed as well, wishing her a goodnight. As soon as he felt her warmth next to him, he couldn't resist pulled her carefully to him, placing a kiss on her forehead as she gladly accepted his chest touching her cheek.
Next morning Penny still felt a little hot, but she was definately better. So the sunstroke didn't seemed to be so strong to her after all.
The day went smoothly, but Penny insisted on staying in the shade. She didn't want a repeat of the fun. Around six o'clock she had to be at firehouse on shift, while Sam was spending this time with his niece and nephew.

"We have to rewrite those raports that Elvis spilled coffee on" Station Officer Steele ordered, giving each firefighter a file of files that had to be rewritten. It was happening at the kitchen table, when Radar came through the dog's door which were mounted in the kitchen door. On the opposite side of the kitchen was his bowl of water, but, instead of approaching it, the dalmatian tucked his tail and hid between Elvis' legs. "What are you doing now, Cridlington?" The strange situation didn't escape Station Officer Steele's attention.

"I really don't know, sir. You have to ask Radar" the firefighter spread his hands helplessly.

"What got into him?" Arnold leaned down to stroked dalmatian's head, reaching his hand far under the table.

They got a few more requests from Station Officer Steele before they were able to start rewriting. Three of them sitting at the kitchen table, because the office was obviously occupied, rewriting line by line. And when Elvis invented to turn the kettle on for a cup of tea, Penny volunteered, however as soon as she passed by Elvis, Radar, who found himself a comfortable place there for a nap, fast as lightning ran away from the kitchen and he didn't come back upstairs that night.

Fireman Sam SAM&PENNY ONE-SHOTSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora