Wild Race. Search

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"Sam, we might have a slight problem" Arnold announced seriously." You haven't seen that fog alert for the mointains, have you?"

Sam stood up and was about to follow Arnold downstairs, but an Map Screen 2000's sound didn't let him.

"Three people are reported missing on the path of Pontypandy Wild Race" Sam announced through the speaker.

"So we are going to the race after all?" Arnold asked Sam when they quickly met near the uniforms.

"We're going with Venus 2, Jupiter is too big" Sam irdered openning passager seat. "Jump in, Radar!" the dalmatian wagged his tail and jumped inside sitting between the seats. "What are you waiting for, Arnold?".

"Can I really drive?" He asked hesitantly.

"It is already a good time" Sam smiled when younger firefighter turned on the siren and they rushed into the action.

It took a while to reach the destination of the meadow where the end of a race was still standing. Ellie, Station Officer Steele and also Helen and Moose, who were as an organisators like Ellie or a part of an audience like Steele and Helen or one of the runners like Moose, had already been waiting for them there.

"What happened, sir?" Sam and Arnold asked when they walked out of Venus 2.

"Well, almost everyone ended the race, but Sarah and Mandy didn't came back" Station Officer Steele replied, but his eyes were avoiding Sam's and Arnold's.

"We got an alarm there were three people. And you told only two, sir" Arnold noticed.

"You see, Penny hasn't ended the race yet too" Ellie confessed, carefully watching Sam's reaction, but it was still professional.

However inside of the mask of professional and well-trained firefighter, Sam didn't feel any of it at that moment. Anything he trained for all this years didn't prepare him for it. It was first time since he got a chance to know Penny loved him back, that one of them was in possible danger.
He took a breath to clear quickly his mind, Penny and the girls needed him and he needed himself now as well, 'the time for overthinking never comes at the action, and the worst is when it comes at the beginning, because if in the middle you've already got the situation checked and you are awere of what you're going in' those where his father's words, he told him when Sam first had to face a fire of a shop he used to spent all his free time when he was a boy. This job they had chosen wasn't the easiest, because in a middle of second your mind could changed for forever.

"We will find them" Sam told himself to calmed down. "Arnold, you navigate Saturn. Ellie, you and Helen take Venus 2 and search on the path, if needed we will call you through radio. Moose and I along with Radar go deeper in the forest with ropes to search there, maybe they lost their ways" he ordered.

"Roger that!" All of the answered and began to prepare for their given tasks.

"Sam, Tom run to Mountain Rescue Centre to bring Wallaby 2 to action" Station Officer Steele caught Sam before he could followed Moose's steps.

"Thank you, sir" it was Sam's last words before he and Moose went inside the darkness of the forest.

When the rescue team were searching, it started getting colder and colder. For Penny, Sarah and Mandy, spending another amount of time on the ground in wet forest ecosystem, it was easy to feel.

"I'm cold" Mandy said scaredly.

"Come to me, you two" Penny straightened her arms and the girls sat next to her.

"They're going to find us, Penny, aren't they?" Sarah replied.

"Don't talk things like that, Sarah" Penny outraged. "They are, as always. We never let you down, don't we?" She smiled teasingly.

Meanwhile the siren sounds let the rescue team communicate and navigate in the forest, however everywhere they had looked until now, there had been no sign of Sarah, Mandy or Penny yet.

"Sam, we drove through whole path of the race and it was not sign of them, over" Ellie reported sadly through the radio.

"Sam, Saturn found something on west from the road right before its fork" Arnold announced.

"It is me and Moose, Arnold" Sam replied. So it was just another black end.

They were discussing something through the radios, when Moose poked Sam on the shoulder. They returned to the road to search forward, but they was something worth paying attention to.

"I don't want to interrupt, but isn't it strange that a dog leash is laying on the grass in the forest?"

"You're right, Moose. I recognize it, I guess it could be Nipper's" Sam replied, giving it to Radar. "If Nipper was here, Sarah could be there as well. It won't hurt to try this hint."

"Tom to Sam" the radio turned on again. "I found a stain of hot like ninty meters on west from you and Moose, over."

"Let's hope it would be at least one of them. Good job, Tom" he replied back and followed Radar who also caught a smell coming from there.

"You hear that, Sam?" Moose asked when they reached another fork. Sam just shrugged his shoulders, he hadn't heard anything or he didn't pay attention. He was too worry about Penny. "We have them!" Moose screamed happily, Radar barked and began to licked Sarah's and Mandy's faces, as Sam's head clearened from worries when he hugged his niece and sent the love of his life a bright smile.

"We found them, sir!" Sam announced through the radio to Station Officer Steele. "We hear Venus 2's siren, Ellie, you must be close to our position."

"We hear Radar's barking, Sam" she teased, but only Ellie knew how much relieved she was.

"What are you doing here and not at the end of the race?" Sam asked, turning his attention back to Penny and the girls who again calmy sat in her arms.

"Nipper ran away and we tried to find him, but we got lost" Sarah started.

"I've been wondering what Nipper's leash was doing on the road" Moose thought out loud.

"And then I heard tbe screams for help, so I follow, but I lost my orientation as well, then this two came across me" Penny ended, just when Ellie and Helen reached them.

"Let's check if you are alright" Helen asked the girls to come to the light. Fortunately, nothing much happened to them, they were only a little cold and had a few bruises. Then it came Penny's turn to be checked, so she needed to stand up, but when she stood up, she once again could keep the balance and if Sam hadn't been standing next to her, she would have met with the ground one more time.

"What's wrong, Pen?" He asked worriedly, catching her.

"I could have pressured my ankle too much today" Penny muttered, when Helen gently touched her ankle to check it.

"From my knowledge it is not broken, but you surely need rest and it won't hurt if you get it checked more properly at the hospital" Helen advised. "But I suppose it could be a long time injury, Penny. Have you injured your ankle not so long ago?"

Hello everyone! It is a last part and I hope you like it anyway;)

Fireman Sam SAM&PENNY ONE-SHOTSOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz