Brothers' whispers

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Hi! There's next one-shot. I notice this story begin to look like more like a story with a plot than a collection of one-shots (I hope you know what I mean🙈). Do you see it the same way as me or am I overdo it?

What goes to the plot of this one below, it is few important things in it, which will be used by me sooner or later, so be prepared for it. I hope you like it and enjoy reading it;) Have a nice first weekend of December in this year;)

The next morning, Penny went for her shift, while Sam was sitting at home wondering what went so bad yesterday. He felt he did it right, but he couldn't find control of his fear and let it control himself, so nothing walked out of it. Only Penny has been looking at him worriedly since that.

Fortunately for him, he rarely gave up and was used to it, so he has already been thinking about next try. He hasn't had any idea yet, but he would surely find one or he would do it when the time would seem good. Maybe if he did it more spontanically without planning, he would find more courage when the moment of question came.

He would surely think a lot still, despite the doorbell. He woke up from his thoughts amd went to the door. He opened it and saw his brother, waving to him. Sam smiled weakly, letting Charlie in, but he was also afraid what his brother would either say or advise this time when he would hear about yesterday's mess.

"How it went?" Charlie asked Sam without cuddling into cotton. Sam looked at the floor and Charlie had to noticed it, because he assuredlly placed his hand on his brother shoulder. "Did she say no?"

"No" Sam shook his head in disagreement. "Rather she said nothing."

"She was too surprised, wasn't she?" Charlie joked, sitting down, but his joke only saddened Sam even more.

"Charlie, I was the most surprised. It was a total mess. I couldn't ask her, because I kept stuttering. And then we had to go back to town. The time flew away one more time" Sam panicked.

"It's alright, we can think of something new, brother" Charlie tried to cheer up Sam. He looked at him wishfully and a weak smile appeared on his face. "First of all, our parents want to come in the next week, so maybe you will calm down a little through this time."

"Why are you telling me this now? Since when have you known?" Sam asked surprisedly. It was the last thing he needed now.

"Wow, calm down! I've known since yestarday evening, so not too longer than you" Charlie told calmy.

"And where mum and dad want to meet us?" Sam asked thoughtfully, resting his head on his arm.

"I admit I don't want to leave you alone with this, but they want only see you, they are going to see me, Bronwyn and twins either earlier or later" Now Sam's face was as pale as paper card. Inside he was afraid this time would come someday, but it was a little too fast for him, but, as he knew his parents, not for them. "Furthermore, to the bottom of your today problems, it is totally normal when you forget your tongue in mounth when it comes to this kind of stressful situations."

"Seriously?" Sam looked at Charlie in little disbelief.

"Seriously" Charlie nodded his head. "I lost few nights sleep before and after my proposal to Bronwyn. What made my stress only worse, at the middle of proposal, I couldn't open the box with a ring, my fingers shook so much" Charlie chuckled at the memory of that day.

"But you didn't stutter all the beginning and at the end managed to ask the final question at the first try" Sam throw annoyedly.

"Few years will passed and you will laugh at the memory of it, you'll see" Charlie joked, however it cost him Sam's elbow in his shoulder. "What? It is true" Charlie protested.

"It isn't funny, Charlie" Sam defeated himself.

"I don't understand you, brother. Firstly, you waited few years to confessed your love to Penny and now when you finally achieve one big step, you don't want to listen a good advise from your brother" Charlie underlained his last words.

"I just don't understand how thinking I would laugh someday of how big coward I am now will help me with proposal" Sam shrugged his shoulders.

"If you forget about the imagined picture in which you make a clown of youself, it will be easier for you to have in control all your worries and fears you've already had, you will be able to control your voice and your mind. And you will absolutely need them next time" Charlie assured Sam.

"Haven't I told you that when we were younger?" Sam rose his eyebrow in curiousness.

"Yes, you have, even a few times" they laughed briefly together. "It used to work quite welk at school when you agreed with vision of getting one more bad grade. And then you walked to it without hesitation, so it turned perfectly alright for you. Remember?"

"How can I forget it?" Sam asked teasingly. They were sitting in silence by a longer while.

"So do you have some plan for a second turn?" Charlie asked casually, but with the same sparkle in the eyes as before.

"No, I'm still thinking about it."

"If you need help with idea or preparation, give me a sign. Remember you have a brother by your side, please Sam. I don't want to see you hold it all on your shoulder, you will run out" Charlie beggingly placed his hand on Sam's shoulder last time when he went out to go out on the sea.

Sam closed the door behind him and he really felt the weight on his shoulder a little lighter now when his younger brother helped him, but also with add of new worry. Meeting with his parents in four eyes. He didn't kow what they would plan, but he suspected it would be something for sure and he began to worry if his mother would accept Penny. She sometimes had a little too high expectations in Sam's eyes in the past. He laid down on his back on the sofa and he didn't even notice how from this thoughts he fall asleep.

Sam woke up, when he heard laugher coming from garden. He went in a spy style there. He saw how Penny, who ended her shift for today, was playing football with Sarah and James. Sam always wondered how it was that she was so good at football. He leaned on the door frame and watched the game from there until Penny noticed him by the corner of her eye and missed a ball Sarah kicked into the goal. Sarah and James jumped cheerfully in the air when Penny came to Sam. He gave her a gentle kiss on cheek for this welcome.

"I saw you were sleeping, so I went to the garden. I wanted to read, but just then Sarah and James came, asking if I would play with them, so I agree" she told a story from last two hours.

"What time is it?" Sam asked, unconscious of the time which passed.

"It is 4 p.m." Penny laughed when she saw how funny Sam's facial expression was at that moment. His jaw fall down and his eyes was wide open in disbelief in the time flows. "You need that sleep, Sam, don't deny it. You have looked exhausted since last few days" Penny looked worriedly in Sam's eyes. She noticed he behaved less confident last times. He tried to hide it, but she, and also the team as she heard, noticed it anyway. She really worried about him, it was very rare to see Sam in kind of bad state and it hurt her, especially when she tried to talk with him about it, but he left the topic open. He sometimes really should take more care of himself, either mentally and phisically.

"Uncle Sam will you play with us, so we can play boys against girls?" James asked walking to them, leaving his book on a windowsill.

"Of course, James" Sam went to play, but he didn't avoid Penny's worried gaze. While playing they were mostly teasing sparkled in them, but he felt Penny's worries laid on him sometimes. He saw it in her moves, it were more hesitant than usual, but they played and had fun, so he forgot about his worries to add Penny more sure with him is everything alright.

Fireman Sam SAM&PENNY ONE-SHOTSHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin