What is important for us?

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Hi! Sorry it took so long, but I have few very big works for school and just now I finally find time to end it. So I hope it will be better and I will be able to do my best in writing again.
What goes for this one-shot it was planned somewhere else, but I create it that way it suits here more. But this game will come back too me still, so be prepare I can use it again even in this story
I wish you fun while reading and nice time;)
  (Even more since the new episodes had had their premiere, surely it wasn't in English, but at least it is something, isn't it?)

Sam and Penny woke up on sofa next noon. Fortunately they both had a day off, so it didn't bother them to sleep longer than usual after sleepless night. They made breakfast and decided to go for a walk to the beach. They both needed relax and it was funny how Penny told Sam to relax and Sam did the same against Penny. When they came near one of the biggest caves which have entrances on the side of beach and, what goes after it, sea, Penny sat on the rock and Sam sat on the sand next to her.

"Let's play pick a memory" Penny invented after long moment when they were only staring at wavy surface of the sea.

"Alright, but this time harder version also with feelings. It is named Memories, Feeling and Life" Sam added with mischevious smile.

"What have you planned, stupidbrain?" Penny asked teasingly, rasing her eyebrow.

"I... planned something? You're dreaming" Sam shrugged his shoulders innocently. "Anyway, let's start" Sam cleared his throat nervously.

"Happy?" Penny asked the first adjective.

"Our first day at work together in Pontypandy, I had already had a feeling we will be a good team and now we are great one and we improve ourselves even more with each new day" Sam smiled softly when Penny carefully slipped down the rock she was sitting on, kissed him passionatelly and when they broke away, she, instead of sitting again on rock, sat next to Sam on sand. So they were sitting now hand in hand like a great team they were.

"Moment when we confessed we know we love each other to our friends. Between only us it was the happiest, but when we told about it more openly it was like a rock fall down off my back. And now it is much better, although sometimes it causes more problems" Penny smiled, when Sam shrugged his shoulders.

"Do I have to remind you who want it?" Sam asked mischeviously.

"No. Anyway I prefer it the way it is right now" Penny playfully elbowed Sam. "It would have been only harder and harder if we had kept it as a secret" she added.

"Moments when I think, because they show it, how short our time is and how quickly everything can change or end. For example when you lost your job, I thought at that moment I would never see you again and then it all turned alright, hopefully. And" Penny hesitated, but decided she wouldn't end. Sam embraced her and gave her a kiss on cheek then laid his forehead on hers.

"Why I have a feeling you wanted to add something?" Sam asked gently, but Penny saw in his eyes very clearly it made him a little worried.

"No, nothing, because you are here now safe and sound" she forced weak smile, but probably she discussed this topic too many times with Sam, due to this fact he knew it too perfect what she meant.

"Penny, sweetheart, I told you I had no other option, besides I was just doing my job" when he ended this sentance, Penny broke away and looked at him in disbelief. "Furthermore, as you also notice, I am sitting here now and I am whole" Sam joked, but it cost him less gentle than before Penny's elbow in his ribs. "Ouch, it hurts!" he complained.

"You deserve it."

"Maybe" Sam shrugged his shoulders innocently and Penny couldn't help to hide the smile that appeared on her face. It was always the same, they pretend they were mad at each other and then it turned like nothing happened and they went back to normal. It was just magical for her. "Laughable?" Sam asked new question.

Fireman Sam SAM&PENNY ONE-SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now