1st birthday

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The spring came to Pontypandy early this year. It was already good past midday when Sam and Penny ended preparing everything for a small birthday party in the late afternoon. 

"Where do you thing you're going, kitty?" Penny heard Sam's asking as she put one of the boxes down on the table. 

"Sam, leave Reilynn alone with Cinamon!" She shouted back. "And come here. These boxes won't unpack themselves" she explained when her husband sticked his head through the ajar door. 

Together they quickly unpacked what was inside of the boxes and put it on the table to prepare it a moment later. They had to decorate and then it all would be ready. 

"When have you bought all of this?" Sam asked complainly as he reached for another (kokardkę, aby przyczepić ją w rogu okna).

"Have no idea" Penny smiled innocently as she shrugged her shoulders. She didn't admit to Sam that she spent half the day searching for right decorations at Newtown last week. 

"What was that?" Sam asked alarmed when he overheard a quiet sob coming from the other room. 

They walked there to check only to discover how Reilynn is laying on her back on the floor, crying softly, while Cinamon tried to help her up somehow. Penny was immediately by her side and picked her up gently, rocking her on her arm and speaking softly to calm her daughter down. 

"She must have fallen down again" Penny stated as Reilynn slowly began to stop crying. 

"I told you to make sure that she learns walking where we can keep an eye on her, didn't I?" Sam asked and it was hard to decide what emotion filled his voice. 

"You did, but somehow it doesn't work for you either" Penny teased him back, before she sighed. "We can't let her walk in the living room, she is still too short, she can easily hit her head somewhere" Penny said worriedly, as she stroked Reilynn's short blond hair. 

Sam didn't say anything not to make Penny argue with him. He left unspoken the fact that he once secured all the areas in the house, all by himself. She was really fond of such topics and few differences they had between each other were visibly seen when one of them lost their temper. So they silently prefered to find a way to discuss such topics in peace, even if it would take few days. 

"You think it would be enough space?" Sam asked to start a conversation again, when Penny was visibly not so lost in her play with Reilynn on the carpet in the living room.

"I hope so" she replied hesitantly. "We invited everyone, but for sure not everyone will come. Arnold and Jerry Lee have a shift and your dad's working today too. It is already three people less" she counted on her fingers. 

"My mother, your parents, Sophie, Charlie, Bronwyn, Sarah and James Station Officer Steele, Ellie and Elvis" Sam continued as he put the chairs around the table. "Did I forget about someone?" 

"Except of us, no" Penny joked as she slowly sat down next to Reilynn again. "I still can't believe it has been a year" she sighed softly as Reilynn laughed when Sam picked her up. 

"We made it" Sam kissed Penny's temple as she accepted his hug. "I love you, sweetheart, but someone has to take care of the guests" he broke the magical moment, but it only made them both laughed. 

"Go get the plates then" Penny teased him as she gave Reilynn her arm as she tried to walk towards the door on her own. 

"Where is our birthday girl?" She saw her colleagues standing right behind the door, while Reilynn happily tried to escape her mother's hand. Reilynn took two steps and stumbled, but her aunt caught her as she smiled at her cousin. 

"So nice you came, Sophie" Penny smiled teasingly as she managed to welcome everyone of the guests, besides Sophie. 

"You're kidding? How could I miss this?" Sophie asked, grinning, which both Penny and Reilynn commented with laughter. 

"You're always welcomed" Penny spoke jokingly as she asked them to come to the living room. 

All of invited put their presents on the table as they all stood in line to spend a moment with Reilynn who was playing happily with Cinamon at the sofa. 

"I still believe it has been a year" Penny whispered to Sam as they were watching the whole small party from further distance. 

"Me neither" Sam agreed thoughfully. He put his arm around Penny's shoulders to pull her a little closer to him, when he heard a story that made him froze. 

"I can still recall his terified expression. He must have thought about all the different cases, just not the right one" Station Officer Steele was telling the story from last year. 

"Why have I never heard that story?" Penny turned in his arms to look Sam in the eyes with curious sparkle in hers. 

"Because there's nothing to talk about" Sam rubbed the bridge of his nose annoyedly.

"Is this embarrassment?" Penny replied teasingly. 

"You won't let go, would you?" Sam asked directly. 

"Admit it, Sam" she insisted as she put a hand on his shoulder. "You didn't know what exactly did happen?" Penny teased him, but her smile betrayed her - she knew the truth. 

"How do you know?" He looked at her perplexed, he never told her about it.

"I saw it in your eyes. You must have suspected something worse" she explained, clearly amused. "My lovely stupidbrain" she then smiled delightfully as she kissed him on the cheek. 

Sam smiled in responce as they hand in hand walked back to their guests to celebrate their daughter's first birthday. 

Hello everyone! It is a chapter that didn't exactly was planned and more it didn't turn out as it is, but I hope you enjoyed it, even if it is a bit short. 

Here also I want to wish you happy Sylwester today and happy New Year;-)

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